The Meeting: Chapter Thirteen: Sophie's POV (and a meme for you!🙂)

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{{And the capitalization at the beginnings of sentences is being finicky, and autocorrecting it to lowercase. I understand grammar pet peeves (I have some myself) and just tell me to fix it. I've yammered on for long enough, so enjoy the story!}}

After school we all pitched in cleaning up the living room. Biana and Tam had discovered the Harry Potter movies and ice cream the night before, and they'd binged all night. There was stuff littering the floor and sofa. I used my telekinesis to retrieve one of Biana's used tissues. (Harry Potter has a lot of deaths.) Then I started to do the dishes.

I was using telekinesis (I had gotten better about using my skills lately) to put away the clean plates when I heard the door creak open. I figured it was Fitz coming back from the backyard, where he'd been practicing his dagger-throwing. Grizel and Sandor had set up some dummies well away from human eyes.

"Uhhh..." I dropped the plates. Because this voice wasn't Fitz's. It wasn't Biana, Tam, Linh, Wylie, Stina, Marella, Maruca, or Dex. It was Percy Jackson.


"I..." He said. His mouth was hanging open. I guided him into the living room. He flopped down on an armchair. "Let's skip the formalities. I know you're going to grow claws and fangs and attack me. I know you're monsters." He told us.

"What?" we all asked in unison.

"What makes you say that?" Biana asked.

"Well, for starters, you can see through the Mist. And that moving-things-with your-mind thing you just did. And the fact that you keep falling out of the sky! What is up with that?"

"Oooohhhhhhh..." Dex said.

"Okaaaay, then.. . We're doing this." I said.

"I... Guess we are?!" Percy said.

"Soooo... We're not monsters," I started.

"So you're gods?" he interrupted.

"Umm... No."

"So, you're demigods."

"NO!" I said. "We're elves, you dummy!" I shouted. "The mind-moving is telekinesis, the sky-falling, is teleporting, and I have no idea what in the world the Mist is!!!" I said angrily.

"Uhh..." He said. He said that a lot.

"I'm sorry. I just... Why would you think we're monsters? Monsters aren't real! The gorgodon is pretty close, but they are fictional! Like dwarves or..." Oh. Never mind. "Okay. Dwarves are real." I consented.

"Oh, but monsters are real." Percy pointed out. "I'm a demigod."

Stina burst out laughing. "I'm sorry... It's just that you... With those skinny arms... Demigod!!" she said through a fit of giggles. Percy pulled out a ballpoint pen from his pocket. "What are you going to do? Write me to death?" she asked. Percy uncapped his pen and a sword- an actual three-foot-long bronze leaf-shaped blade with a leather grip- appeared in his hand. He gestured toward Stina with the double-edged blade, causing her to lean back and almost fall out of her chair.

"O-kaaaay, demigod, why don't you put away the scary pen-of-death and we can start over? Hi, I'm Marella Redek, and I'm a Pyrokinetic. See?" Her hand burst into flames. Percy didn't look fazed. "Why didn't that scare you? And why do you get to scare us with a huge sword and you're standing there looking like you're trying not to laugh?"

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