I Found A Million-Dollar Wand: Chapter Fifteen: Annabeth's POV

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{{Okay, I know that that Percy does not go to Goode. But remember: (A) This is before the tower of Nero and Unlocked. (B) I needed a way for them to interact outside of house visits. So don't hate on me. Also, I didn't include Annabeth's POV for nothing!😉 Enjoy!}}

When Percy confirmed that they were elves, I almost lost it. I felt dizzy and nauseous, and I wanted to throw up. But I didn't want Percy to freak out. I'd been having moments like that for weeks now, but I was sure that it was just nerves. when Percy asked if I was okay, I racked my brain for a cover story. Then, I remembered the strange object I found in the woods.

∆•×•×•×•×•×•A Few Weeks Earlier•×•×•×•×•×•×∆
I walked through the woods, pondering the strange happenings. Every time I Iris-Messaged Percy, he said the same thing: the monster attacks are increasing. And they weren't regular monsters, either. Some were ancient beings that we'd only heard of from Chiron's monster classes, that hadn't stirred since the very first Titan war. Others were definitely not Greek. Or Roman. I'd have to reach out to Sadie Kane to see if they were Egyptian. A bright beam of light shining in my eyes shook me out of my daze. I bent down to pick up the source of the light: a slender golden wand topped with a crystal. Upon further inspection, I realized it was gold. Real gold. And the crystal on top was a huge chunk of sapphire. This was worth tens of thousands of dollars! But what was it from? It was no children's toy. Or a cosplay item, unless the person was seriously into whatever it was and had millions of dollars to spare. I turned it in the light, and it shimmered, casting a bright beam of light onto the ground. I slipped it into my backpack, meaning to examine it later. It was a worthy find.

It seemed like the perfect distraction for Percy! He had kind of a one-track mind once he was focused on something he was interested in, so he would forget about the episode. I recounted the story to him, and he was silent for a while.

"Where were you?" he questioned.

"In the woods here at camp," I replied.

"It looks like... Never mind." He said.

"Tell me or I'll use this dagger!" I threatened, a satisfied smile curling my lip when he pushed backward in the sand.

"I thought... Do you have it here? " He asked.

"Uh, yeah, it's in my cabin."

"Okay." He said. He flicked his hand and my bubble shot up so fast my ears popped. It reached the surface and kept on going, launching high in the air before popping and dumping me onto the dock.

"Owwwww..." I groaned. "PERCY!" I shouted, but he was already sprinting toward the Athena cabin. Suddenly, a wave of nausea rolled over me, making me double over. What is happening?

Percy came back with the wand in his fist. I straightened, trying to look normal. "Are you okay? " He asked. "I'm fine." I snapped.

"di immortales." He said under his breath.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"It almost looks elvin. Remember they were wearing those weird necklaces made of precious metals and stones? It matches." He was right. It did match. Percy turned it to study the crystal better, and a beam of light flickered in the moonlight. I stepped closer to look at the crystal. My foot touched the bottom of the beam, and the world was whited out in a flash of light.


The light was harsh, and my body felt scattered. I tried to pull myself together, and by some miracle a part of my brain I didn't know I had kept me from getting lost in the light beam.

When the light faded, I had time to register purple grass, huge crystal towers, and a glass pyramid before the world dissolved into oblivion.

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