Camp Half-Blood is Aweso- Confusing. Chapter Thirty-One: Jasmine's POV

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Piper is awesome. She lent me some conditioner for my hair, and I took a shower. I already had soap and shampoo, but my hair was dry and frizzy and tangled. Then she tenderly brushed my hair out until it was silky smooth. She was already like a big sister to me. She was sixteen, but she talked to me like we were equals. She produced a pair of jeans and an orange t-shirt that fit me perfectly. I threaded my belt, which I'd had since I was five, through the jeans along with my knife. I'd never taken the knife out of its sheath. She also mended my favorite scarlet sweater and I put it on over the shirt.

"Jasmine, can you tell me more about you?" Piper said as she led me to her cabin.

"Okay." I said. She smiled.

"Where are you from?"

"Terre de Montagne, France." I told her. "I lived there with my brother and my dad." What I didn't say was that life there was hard. And that both of them were dead.

"That's cool!" Piper said. "Do you speak French?"

"cela répond-il à votre question?" I answered.

"That's cool!" Piper exclaimed. "I speak French too, and my friend Hazel speaks Louisiana French. You would like her. She's fourteen."

"Can I meet her?" I asked.

"She's coming in from Oakland in a few days. You can meet her and her boyfriend, Frank. He's coming a little later." She answered. "What's your brother's name?"

I froze. "His name is- was," I corrected myself. "His name was Roches." I told her. "He died."

"I'm so sorry. I know what that feels like. My... My ex-boyfriend was stabbed in the back by an immortal Roman emporer." Piper said. I blinked.

"My brother was murdered by a businessman in a yellow suit when I was six." I said bluntly. "And my father disappeared when I was seven. Now I'm nine." I told Piper.

"I'm sorry. I know it doesn't help. But I am sorry." Piper said. I knew what she meant. I felt bad that her ex boyfriend had been killed, but however many times I might apologize, it wouldn't bring him back from the dead. "So.." Piper said, clearly trying to change the subject. "When's your birthday?" Lame change of subject, but I was glad for the distraction.

"May twenty-eighth." I answered.

"Should we go to the campfire?" Piper asked me.

"Sure! do they have s'mores?"

Piper laughed. "Of course. It wouldn't be a summer camp without s'mores!"

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