We Meet Junior Models: Ch. 4: Percy's POV

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There were ten incredibly pretty teenagers waiting for us on the beach where they'd fallen out of the sky. I mean, they looked like models. And they all wore two necklaces made of priceless jewels and gold: one choker with a triangular jewel hanging from it, and one looser chain with a jeweled pendant hanging off the center. The girl in front had blonde hair hanging past her shoulders and brown eyes, a contrast to all of her friends, who had blue eyes.

Two of them stood apart from the others, holding hands. They could've been boyfriend and girlfriend, but their features were exactly the same. They both had silver-blue eyes, dramatic features, and jet black hair. The boy was surly and frowning, and his long bangs were tipped with silver. The girl had looooong hair with silver tips, pink cheeks and lips, and looked sweet and cheerful.

One short boy had strawberry blond hair, periwinkle eyes, and freckles. He looked like the kind of nerdy kid who played video games all the time and couldn't lift ten pounds.

Another boy was taller than his companions, with dark brown skin and dark blue eyes that looked almost black.

The other boy had dark wavy hair and startling teal eyes. The girl standing next to him had wavy dark hair, teal eyes, and perfect makeup. They looked like brother and sister, too.

There were two other girls with them: one blonde and petite with big ice blue eyes and tiny braids sprinkled throughout her hair, and one with warm brown skin and dark hair with a streak of blue in the center.

Although some of them were clearly older than the brown eyed girl, she was obviously their leader. They all looked ready to fight me, and the boy with the silver bangs was palming a small dagger.

"How did you do that? I asked them, referring to the falling-out-of-the-sky thing they had just done.

The strawberry-blond boy spoke up in a strange language. It wasn't Greek, for sure. I knew what Latin, Spanish, and French sounded like, and that wasn't it.

The girl with brown eyes spoke then: "I'm Sophie Foster, and this is Tam, Linh, Dex, Wylie, Fitz, Biana, Marella, and Maruca." She spoke to her friends in that strange language, and they nodded.
The rest was a blur. I know I agreed to meet the strange kids at my apartment to explain everything, and I vaugely remember them saying we weren't normal humans. What in Zeus's long johns did she mean by that?

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