My Mind Is Blown Up More Than Gaea: Chapter Fourteen: Percy's POV

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{{who's with me on the fact that the official art AND the movies are a horror show? Comment if you agree!}}

Okay, now there were elves? My life is officially... Ugh. There are Norse gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, Egyptian gods, and who knew what else, and on top of that, there were elves and goblins and dwarves and unicorns! My brain is officially going to explode.
{{Comment if any of you have read the Rick Riordan Presents books? things like Aru Shah (Hindu Mythology) and Race to the sun (Native myths) would make Percy... Idk. He would die.}}

These people need to meet my friends. Imagine what Marella and Leo could do against monsters!

And the tech-whatchamacallit guy, (Deck?) could totally help Leo with Festus!

And Linh and I could probably flood the whole world! (If we wanted to of course. Which I don't. Totally. For real.)

So that night after I left Sophie's house confused and tired, I used the Imparter they'd given me to hail them. But what if I tried one of the others' names instead of Sophie's? (That girl was scary.)

"Show me..." Then I realized that all of them were pretty scary. when Fitz had come in, he'd mentioned something about dagger throwing. And when I wasn't "properly intimidated" by Linh, Tam had bluntly stated that she'd flooded whole cities and saved Atlantis.

I decided that Deck, (or was it Dex?) was probably the safest bet. I didn't want to start an interspeciesal war because I woke an elf up at ten P.M. so they could come to a summer camp with me. I mentally debated it for another ten minutes before deciding to Iris-message Annabeth. She was good for things like this, even if she was way more likely to kill me than any of the elves were. and that was saying something.

{{I'm so sorry to interrupt your reading, but it just occurred to me to tell you that I haven't read the Tower of Nero yet, so I apologize if the details are a little out of date. This happens right after Legacy and The Tyrant's Tomb. the timeline is sketchy, but I hope the storyline is good. Bye!}}

I snuck into the kitchen to use the sink sprayer for an Iris-message, then realized that I could just go to Camp Half-Blood and talk to Annabeth. I wrote a quick note to my mom:
I have some really important new things to investigate, so I need to take the day off tomorrow. Spending the night at camp. Will update you ASAP.

I ran out of our apartment building and onto the streets of New York. I caught a cab to Camp Half-Blood and gave the driver some gold drachma. They were all I had, because I needed to make more than one call. He stared at me but didn't question it. Most of the Manhattan cab drivers were now used to demigods paying in gold, thanks to the many needs of warriors in mid-crisis. I ran up Half-Blood Hill, scratched Peleus on the nose, and ran to the center of camp, where the cabins were located. I ran to Cabin Six, where Annabeth was probably sleeping, and knocked on the door.

I knew it looked suspicious, me at camp at ten-thirty at night, banging on the Athena cabin door, but this was important. I had to tell Annabeth the updates.

One of Annabeth's siblings opened the door. It was strange that they were here. Annabeth was here because of monster attacks. The most logical reason that more campers than usual were here during the school year was the abundance of monsters in the area. I recognized the guy in the doorway as Malcolm Pace, Annabeth's second-in-command as counselor.

"Percy?" He said sleepily. "what's wrong? Why are you here so late?"

"Sorry to wake you up, man. I need to talk to Annabeth about something. You'll probably know soon enough." I explained. Malcolm disappeared into the cabin.

A muffled "OW!!" sounded from inside, then he came back with Annabeth, rubbing his cheek where Annabeth must have slapped him.

"I hope it's worth it," he said, "because I am not ever waking Annabeth up again." He went back to bed, muttering about girls.

"You better have a good reason for this, Seaweed Brain." She said. "No matter how much I do it, I don't like slapping my cabinmates." Well, that was news to me. She slapped me all the time, and every time she did she had a joyful light in her eyes. Then again, I wasn't her cabinmate. Even though she slept in my cabin sometimes.

We walked down to the beach, where we usually had serious conversations. "Annabeth... You know when we met Jason and Hazel and Frank and found out they were Roman demigods? And when we met Carter and Sadie Kane and found out they were Egyptian magicians?"

"Just tell me, Seaweed Brain. I can handle it!" she said. "Here's what you say: Sophie is a ________ demigod. It's easy." she prompted.

"Actually, they're not demigods." I said.

"So... they're mortals?" Annabeth asked.

"Far from it. They're not even human!"

Annabeth shook her head. "what are they? Elves?" she said it in a mocking tone, but when she saw my face, she raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe?" I squeaked.

"PERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she picked me up and swung me over her shoulder. Then she carried me to the lake.
She dumped me into the water and jumped in after me. She landed on my head. I willed the current to push us both to the bottom. I may have waited a minute longer than I needed to before forming a bubble around her.

"Please tell me you're joking." She gasped for air. "Please tell me they're- they're nymphs or Native American demigods?" She sounded desperate.

"No, they're elves. And... Are you okay?" Annabeth was slumped over in her bubble with her eyes closed.

"Yeah... I'm good!" She said, opening her eyes. "I was just... Thinking. I found something."

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