I Get Blown Off Course: Chapter Thirty-Two: Hazel's POV

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{{I'm too lazy to crop my pictures. Off of a browser. Which literally takes ten seconds at the most. Anyway, is "treaded" a word?🤔 It totally isn't, but Ima use it anyway. Okay, you can start reading... NOW!}}

Arion is fast. That's an understatement, but it's true. I was in Nebraska, after only two hours on his back, when the trouble started. I knew something was wrong when a wind almost knocked Arion backwards. And we were going top speed into the wind.

"Whoa, Arion," I muttered. I jumped off of his back and drew my spatha, leaning hard against the wind to keep from getting blown to the ground.

"Hazel Levesque." A booming voice growled. It came from all around me, so I assumed a wind spirit. "You have treaded on my sacred ground." The voice echoed off the trees.

"Your sacred ground is Nebraska?" I asked incredulously.

"Do not test my patience, girl. My domain is the central north of the empire. It is where I am strongest. It is too bad that your firey ally did not come to me. Instead, I had to take the trouble to travel to your filthy camp. But you, my dear- well, you will be easy to persuade."

"Why don't you go to North Dakota or Minnesota?" I suggested. "Those are central north." And away from me, I thought. Then the voice's source emerged from the wind. The air stilled. The figure was a glowing, twelve-foot-tall Titanesque shape {{Titanesque is totally a word}} with a swirling gray cyclone around it, obscuring its features.

"Well how many innocent demigods would travel from California to New York by crossing North Dakota? I had to pick a place where I could intercept you. To sway you to my cause." The cyclone swirled tighter and tighter, until the figure was a gray blur.

"I could bring your mother back to life, just as the child of Hades brought you back. You could live together. If you would join my cause, my army, than after everything, when the world is mine, you could go back to your old life." This guy was way overestimating the power of the "mom back from the dead card" and the "back to your old life card". Those didn't work on me. My old life had been terrible. And my mom... She needed to stay dead.

"No. I don't want what you're offering." I told him. I didn't give him any details of what I really wanted: to be home safe. To have Frank and Nico and Annabeth and Piper and everyone else out of danger and safe. I didn't care about myself. I would die if that meant they were safe. But if he knew what I wanted, I could put them all in danger.

"You, Hazel Levesque, will regret that decision." His cyclone disappeared and the wind died, leaving no trace of where he had been.

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