I Leave Lavinia In Charge. Luckily, The Camp Is Already💀Chapter 23: Hazel's POV

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When Percy's face appeared in front of my sword practice dummy, I almost died. The Iris-Message was crackly and distorted, but I heard it loud and clear when he said, "You need to come to Camp Half-Blood. Now. We've got a quest."

"What?" I asked. "I'm praetor of New Rome and you want me to come across the country for a quest?"

"Frank too, if possible. There's this thing... You know what? Just get here. Leave a centurion or- hey, Reyna used to be praetor. Ask her to help!" He said.

I shook my head. "Percy, I can't ask her to do that. She's trying to relax. Her life has been really hard, and now that Frank and I have taken that burden off her back, we can't ask her to take responsibility of praetorship again."

"Please, Hazel. The world will literally be destroyed and... and Jason's sacrifice will mean nothing."

Oooh. He pulled the Jason card. That was low. But it worked. "Okay. But only for Jason. And I'm leaving my centurions in charge." I conceded. "No bothering Reyna."

After Percy's Iris-message ended, I went to the infirmary to talk with Frank about what we would possibly do. After the battle against the emperors and Tarquin, the city was in critical condition. Frank had been stabbed and he was still recovering. Most of the legionnaires had either been killed or badly wounded. Or both. The camp was in ruins. It would take years to rebuild and get back our strength. Had killing Commodus and Caligula and Tarquin really been worth it? No, I thought, don't think like that. It was worth it.

"Frank?" I called. He was reading a book on his bed.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Bad news." I told him about Percy's Iris-Message.

"urgh." he grunted. "I'm on bed rest for another week."

"You can meet us there," I suggested.

"Okay." he blinked. "Who'll be in charge? There won't be any praetors."

"We're leaving... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Lavinia is the best for the job."

"Lavinia?" Frank said. "She's gonna be in charge of the whole camp. By herself. For who knows how long."

"I know. But Reyna can help, and she knows the extent of what happened. Plus, she has an army of dryads and fauns to help her." I explained. It even sounded weird to me, but I couldn't think of anyone better. Some of our best centurions had died in the battle.

"I'll fly to New York as soon as I'm healed. But only if you promise me one thing."


"Tell Lavinia not to let the fauns help her with running the cleanup."

I laughed. "Will do, Praetor Zhang."

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