Another Death Prophecy? I Have to Get Some Insurance: Chapter 22: Percy's POV

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{{A/N: the photo above is a collage that I made. None of the quotes, characters, or pictures and drawings are mine. all I did was arrange and edit. It's now my backscreen. Enjoy 22! And thanks for more than 200 views on this book!and PLEASE pretend that Rachel has her powers of prophecy. Remember, I HAVE NOT READ THE TOWER OF NERO!!!}}

I led the elves to Rachel's cave at the edges of camp. She threw open the curtains.

"Percy." She said. She was wearing a paint-spattered smock and her usual marker-stained, hole-ridden jeans. It looked like she was re-painting her cave walls. Again. "Who are you?" She directed the question at Fitz, Sophie and Biana. "And where's Annabeth?" she added that last part as a polite afterthought.

"On the edge of death." I told her. "And this is Sophie, Fitz and Biana," I added, pointing to Sophie, Fitz and Biana.

"Oh. Are they mortal? New campers? Gods? Monsters?" Rachel asked.

"Elves." I explained. That was all she needed. Green mist curled around her.

Two teams unite, to unite the two worlds,

◻One will be lost in the time of most peril,

◻A hope of a cure will connect with the moon

◻A promise to keep in the place under the dunes.

◻The savior of worlds can be found beneath the sea,

◻A former enemy with a wish to be free.

"And that," I said, "Was a prophecy. We need a quest."

"A what?" Biana asked. "We gotta go on a mission to save the world."

"Oh. I've done that millions of times. I'm guessing the Neverseen are making more hybrid monsters like the gorgodon that attacked Annabeth." Sophie said.

"Okay... Either way- one will be lost. That's what Annabeth saw in her dream. Someone's gonna die."

"How do you know? It says lost. Not killed. Maybe they'll just get lost and find their way back?" Fitz suggested.

"We had a prophecy, way back- I was twelve- with a couple of the Hunters of Artemis. Bianca di Angelo... She died. The words were one will be lost in the land without rain. She was killed in the desert." I recalled. "And so many friends have died. Bianca, Luke, Silena, Beckendorf, and... And Jason. someone's gonna die."

That night at the campfire, the fire glowed low with the mood of the camp. Chiron had announced a quest. He deduced that all of the elves living in New York and what was left of the Seven- Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, Marella, Maruca, Wylie, Stina, Piper, me, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. That was way more than a traditional quest- and I was sure Nico di Angelo would make an appearance- but we knew that all of us would be necessary.

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