Percy Is Mad At Me. I Don't Care: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Leo's POV

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{{A/ N: I would like to say thank you to a few people who are helping me make my story better. -supernova-- and -yerp-merp- have helped me a lot. Thank you!}}

After I agreed to help him, he'd pulled out a wand thing and looked down at me. "Meet me in the woods tomorrow at midday." Then he'd disappeared.

I couldn't let my so-called friends know. But the guy offered something I couldn't turn down. A new life. With my mom. Without people who used me like a tool.

I've always felt guilty about my mom's death. It was my fault. When I was eight, my mom and I were in her machine shop. I had accidentally started the fire. The fire that killed her. Then I bounced around foster homes. I ran away eight times. None of my friends knew about my past. They all thought I was the funny, lively guy, who had an amazing childhood, that I pretended I was.

"Hey, guys," I said, strolling onto the porch of the Big House. "What'd I miss?" I was trying hard to act normal so they wouldn't suspect what had happened. I wasn't on their side anymore. But I still didn't know why Percy was glaring at me like that. Oh. He'd said that Annabeth was hurt. He was mad that I didn't come running like she was the most important person in the world.

"Where were you?" Percy said. "I told you to go get Piper. I told you to come to the Big House. I said it was important." He looked like he wanted to strangle me.

"I... got lost." I told him. He didn't buy it.

"Well then maybe you should sit this one out if you get lost so easily." He spat.

"Percy." Piper said. "Cut him some slack."

"I can't. My girlfriend is hurt, my whole world is upside down, and Leo doesn't even care." He walked away without another word.

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