We Talk Prophecy. My Brain Hurts. II: Chapter 40: Hazel's POV

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Since the message had appeared, I'd been pacing, thinking about what it could mean. It would be at least nineteen people- more than six times as many allowed for a quest. I was the daughter of diamonds, Nico was a son of shadows. Will could have been a child of light, because he glowed, I guess. Percy was water... the elves must have been about half of that. I guessed I'd have to wait.

"Hazel, have you seen Leo?" Piper called. "He's not in his cabin, the forges, or... Well, that's all the places I've checked, but..."



"He's probably in the bunker. It's fine." I lied.

"Okaaaay." Piper said slowly. "Well, we've got visitors. Gotta be at the council table in five. See you there." 

I nodded. When Piper left, I blew out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Leo wasn't in the bunker. Even if he had sworn it on the River Styx. I wasn't even mad. Because from the bits and pieces I knew, someone was going to die. And if Leo broke that oath, it would be him. But I had no way into Bunker Nine, and I had no intention of going in there. But maybe if the others started to worry about him, I'd send Nyssa or Harley or somebody to check. To confirm my suspicion that Leo wasn't in the bunker. That he wasn't even in the camp anymore.  

"I call this meeting-" Percy paused to squirt Cheez Whiz straight into his mouth (ew) - "of the camp war council to order." 

Will raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Are you sure this is a proper-"

"It's a proper meeting." Percy insisted. "We have spray cheese."

I looked around at the exceedingly crowded table. Around twenty people, give or take a few, were seated, standing, or leaning on or around the table. Only three or four were counselors, and about half weren't even demigods. Or mortals. Or gods. And Chiron was missing, as was Mr. D. In fact, we had no adult supervision whatsoever. Which is why most of the teenagers in the room were doing anything but what they were supposed to be doing. 

"I have somewhere to be, so can we go already?" Nico said from his casual position against the wall. He looked like he hadn't slept or eaten for days, per usual, and I was tempted to put him to bed. But he got everyone's attention. Most of the elves looked a little wary of Nico, and they all shut up. 

"Yeah. Sooo..." Sophie said slowly. "What exactly are we talking about? I know most of you got a message... What did it say?"

"You didn't get one?" her friend Tam asked. 


"Okay..." Tam said. "That's suspicious."

A blond elf with tiny braids scattered through her hair and startling ice-blue eyes relayed the message. 

"When in doubt, start at the top," Percy said. His eyes were a little misty. I didn't know what that was about, but I had a feeling I should have. "Sons-" he cleared his throat- "Sons of shadow."

"That's me," Nico and Tam answered in unison. They exchanged a death look and studiously ignored each other. 

"I'm obviously the daughter of flame," the blond girl who had explained the message said.

"Or Leo!" Percy said. I glared at him. "Ahem. Carry on."

"Children of water..." Maruca mused. "Linh."

"Hey, maybe the other one is Le-"

"PERCY!" Nico and Will shouted in unison, then turned red and looked at the floor. 

The strawberry-blond elf snorted. Sophie elbowed him, and he had the decency to look embarrassed. 

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Not the time."

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