We Meet the Scrawny Latino Kid: Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sophie's POV

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"Who's that?" I asked.

"Leo." Percy growled through gritted teeth. He sounded like Leo was his archenemy.

"And who are you?" Leo asked. Fitz gave him a look. Leo's ear burst into flames. He didn't seem fazed by that. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice. I remembered what Percy had said to Marella: "I'm just imagining you as a small Latino mechanic demigod whose nose bursts into flames when he's excited." This must be that kid.

"I'm Fitz." Fitz said. "And this is my sister, Biana, and my... friend, Sophie. Also, your ear is on fire." He said.

"Is it? Again?" Leo smacked the side of his head. Percy glared at him again. Leo bit his lip. "Hey... Pipes, can you catch me up? What's happening?"

"Leo," Piper sighed. "You should have been there."

"I told you... I got lost." I could tell Leo was lying.

"How did you get lost? You know this camp inside out and backwards." Percy accused.

"I... Took a wrong turn?" Leo squeaked.

"Leo..." Percy growled.

" Okay, okay, I... I got sidetracked and went to Bunker Nine. " Percy smacked his own forehead.

"That's what I thought. Leo, how could you? This was important." Percy shook his head. "I thought you were better than that."

Leo's face went pale and his nose burst into flames. "I'm sorry," He mumbled. He casually tossed a ball of fire up and down, catching it and flinging it way too close to the wooden porch awning. Marella would never use her power unnecessarily like that. Then again, pyrokinesis was illegal in the Lost Cities. Leo seemed perfectly at ease with his ability. "I gotta go finish Festus's updates..." He said.

"How about Piper and I walk with you and... Catch you up," Percy said with a smirk. Piper smiled back.

"Okay..." Leo agreed. He threw a suspicious look in Percy's direction. They ran off toward the woods, leaving Fitz, Biana, and I alone with the shadow dude. "I suppose you guys need to go somewhere?" he asked. I'd almost forgotten he was there. He still looked embarrassed from what I'd seen in his mind.

{{A\N: do you know what that is? Take a guess!}}

Dex the halls with tech and grease spots,
'tis the season to build robots
Don we now our crazy gadgets,
While we sing of gears and ratchets
Faaa-laaa-laaaa-laa-laaaaaaa, laaaaaaa-laaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaa...

{{Just a little something I made up!}}

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