Some Monsters Land On My Car: Chapter Ten: Percy's POV

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Okay, Sophie and her friends are definitely monsters. My last hopes of them being mortal faded when they dropped out of the sky onto the hood of my Prius with a thunderclap. A dome of white buzzing energy surrounded my car and shouts rang through the air. They clambered off the hood of my car. One of them peered into my window.

"Percy?" Sophie asked. "Oh, no, no, no!" She said. She muttered in her strange language. The buzzing energy around us dissipated.

Maruca grinned and talked to Sophie in an "I told you so" voice.

"What language is she speaking?" I muttered to myself in Greek, so they wouldn't understand.

"Αν σου έλεγα, δεν θα με πίστευες." ( If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.) She answered. In perfect Greek.

"How?" I marveled, staring at her.

"O mira ingenium velis." (Oh, you'd be surprised by my talents.) she said in Latin. My jaw dropped. "I'll tell you Tuesday." she winked. And with that, she and her friends paraded away.

"Di immortales," I muttered. I was walking down the hall to my homeroom class. When I got to the doorway, I stopped. Because sitting in the back row whispering to each other were Wylie Endal and Linh Song.

"Oh, Zeus's long johns," I muttered. This was bad. Like, Rachel-Elizabeth-Dare-goes-to-my-high-school bad. (That actually happened.) "Mr. Jackson," the teacher said, "please have a seat." Oh, gods. The monsters were sitting right next to my spot. I hoped that they wouldn't be in any of my other classes. Then I could fight them after school instead of in English class with my stepdad.

{{Hey, it's me, the author. Just so you know, I do mean Paul Blofis, and not Sally Jackson's sculpting career}}

Even though he had helped during the Titan War, I didn't want him any more involved than he had to be. Plus, I'd already fought some airai in his class last week. Linh looked at me and her pink cheeks paled. She obviously remembered and feared me. Or maybe she was acting.

"You have... an aura." She whispered. "Like, water." Uh... This was weird. "I know you can control water." She whispered. Her English sounded staggered. It was probably her second language. "I can, too, you know."

"Prove it," I said, a little too loudly.

"Quiet, Mr. Jackson," the teacher warned.

Linh put her hands under her desk. I pretended to drop my pencil and bent down to pick it up. Her fingers flicked, and a sphere of water appeared in her palm. I made a fist and the water ball dissipated.

"Don't let the teacher see that!" I hissed. Wylie leaned over and whispered in her ear. She nodded.

"I can't tell you anything else. Not yet." She said, then turned away.

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