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Let's Get into the story...

Abhi furiously bargs into Pragya's Home..Were Purab, Vin and Nikhil too Followed Him...

"Pragya!! Pragya!!" Abhi furiously calls her....

But she nowhere to be seen....Abhi lost his Cool...

"Abhi Pragya is inside her room..From the time she came back..She is Crying and" Bulbul stops in the middle...

"And?" Abhi asked...

"Adithya is with her!" Bulbul tells him... Abhi's anger reached its peak...His blood boiled with anger, Possessiveness, Hurt, etc....

"Why the hell he is here?" He shouts from his bottom of his voice....

"Don't know Abhi...But Pragya is still Crying!" Tanu tells Him...

Inside the Room...

Pragya is Crying thinking about Abhi....She is sitting in the floor and she is Crying.. Beside her Adithya is there...He is Trying all his ways to let Abhi down before Pragya....

"Pragya Why are you crying over him..Just forget About him!" Adithya tells her...she still cries...

"I couldn't able to forget about Him...I love him so much!"  Tells Pragya

"He doesn't love you Pragya!!He made a fool out of you Girl!" He manipulated her....

"PRAGYA!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Abhi shouts from out Banging the door...

Pragya cries hearing the door knocking...

"Just go away Abhi!! I don't want to see your face!"she tells hurt...She couldn't Even think that Abhi will cheat on Her...Adithya evilly Smiles Seeing Abhi and Pragya breaking apart because of his Plan...

"Just Open the Door Pragya..Then I won't mind breaking it dammit!" Abhi shouts....

Pragya stayed Silent....Abhi Kicks the door hardly...Pragya jerked With the sound....

"Pragya open the door!!" He yells at her....

No others options left she Opens the door..She saw the furious Abhi..His Eyes looks so Red...Abhi glared at Adithya who is also following Pragya....He grabs his Collar and slaps him hardly...

"Why you're here?? That too With My Girl?? Abhisek Mehra's Girl??" Abhi shouts at him furiously slapping him hard.... Abhi's friends tried to Stop him but nothing works out....

"Abhi Stop beating him!" Pragya shouts at him....Abhi stops Beating Adithya and Pushed him...

He holds Pragya's Shoulder and pins her on the nearby Wall.....She breaths heavily getting affected by his closeness....

she can't able to behave Normal with his Closeness....

He holds her chin and he raised it to made her look at his Eyes...She can able to see so much pain, hurt, Love and Anger in his eyes...She cries....

"Why don't you trust me Pragya??" He Asked in a Broken voice.. Because he never imagined that his fuggi will not trust him and also doubt his Love for her....

His tears starts to flow From his eyes Seeing her being silent....

"You doubt on my love??" He asked het furiously....He punched the nearby Wall in anger...she jerked

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