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Let's get into the story.....

After the tour incident nothing remains the same in their life.... With Abhi he confessed his love to Pragya and he is waiting for his answer... And he again making mistakes by not admitting to Maya that he is not in love with her...

He didn't know his mistakes will really affect his future very badly... He didn't nag at Pragya for his answer he gently give her space for her to think...

They still remains as the friends like before .....His enemity for Adithya is growing like anything... Whenever he saw Pragya with that Adithya is clinching around with her...

Abhi don't know why he felt some unusual feelings while Adithya with Pragya...

He gets negative vibes whenever he sees pragya with Adithya... Yes Pragya told him that Adithya is her friend... But something inside him keep on repeating to keep pragya away from Adithya...

He don't know how to convey....

With Pragya she can't able to come to an conclusion with her feelings for Abhi....

She felt comfortable and happy when he is around him but she cannot conclude as love... She waits to get a clear image of her love....

Mean while one-day...

In Pragya's class...

Lecturer are taking class all the students are taking the notes so sincerly....

While the peon came there with the announcement paper... He handovers the announcement paper to lecturer...

The lecturer reads that there is an EISHA EVENT in our college which will be conducted on next five days... There will be a dance event...

And respective dance master will select the students pair and students must be get ready with their concept....

Whomever interested can assemble in Auditorium immediately....

Pragya and her friends thought to participate...
They went to the auditorium...

@ Auditorium...

Pragya saw Abhi and Adithya there.... She doesn't know whom she will be paired....

Just the dance master came there and he selected the pairs...

Pragya is pair up with Adithya... Abhi with Maya...Purab with Bulbul.... Alia and Vin... Nikhil and Tanu...

Abhi felt bad.... But he didn't said anything... Pragya looks at Abhi's sad face... She doesn't know why her heart is pained to see his sad face....

The Dance master said he'll cross check the pair whether they are comfortable or not.... because it's a big event they didn't want any complications at last time...

He asked the students to prepare for a simple dance for ten minutes and after that he'll select the pairs for the main dance....

Saying this every students starts to practice the dance steps...

Adithya: I'm sure Pragya we'll rock this stage... Because ours is the wonderful pair... ( 😤😤 really I don't like to write this line)...

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