💏Chapter - 4💏

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Let's get into the story.....

In library.....

Inside the library suddenly the power went off..... Pragya fear of darkness.... She just hugs abhi tightly.... Abhi shocked as well as he felt happy while pragya hugs him..... His heart says "SHE IS YOURS"....

Abhi too hugs her....

Abhi: yeh relax easy.... Easy.... I'm hear right.....

Pragya: please don't leave me....

Abhi: never ever....

After few minutes light on.....

Pragya gets embarrassed of her activities..... She broke the hug....

Pragya: I'm sorry....

Abhi: it's OK.....

In Pragya's hostel....

Bulbul: where is di???  Her mobile is not reachable.....

Tanu: yes what can we do now.....

In abhi's house....

Nikhil: where this buddu went???....

Purab: I think he is with his girlfriend....

Vin: yes you are right.... Come let's sleep......

They drifted to sleep.....

In library.....

Both Abhi and pragya seated beside the chairs..... And pragya reading the book interestingly.... But our hero abhi felt bored....

Abhi( himself)... What yaar....such a bore girl.... If some other girls in her place right.... They would become mad this time..... But she!!!!!.... Dam..... Oh Yaa she is Adithya's girlfriend right.....

Abhi: why can't you call your boyfriend????....

Pragya: excuse me (confused)... My bf...

Abhi: yes your bf Adithya....

Pragya: actually why you care if I have bf or not..... And seriously I don't like talking to you.... I just hate you to the coreeeeeeeee..... (in anger).....

Abhi irked with the reply....

Abhi: seriously I too don't care even I have a beautiful girlfriend... Not like you..... (he burst in anger)....

Pragya felt bad.... She doesn't know why she gets hurt when abhi mentioning his girlfriend.... She just went far away from abhi and sitted at the corner with book in her hand with wandering thoughts in her mind.... She became silent......

Abhi sees her.... Seeing her sad abhi's heart bleeds.... He accepted that he spoke to her rude but now his heart wants him to ask sorry and bring those soulful smile in her face......

Abhi moves towards pragya and sat beside pragya in the table..... Pragya anger aroused.... She moved little far away from him..... Abhi again came and sit beside pragya closely.....
Again she went little far and again abhi came beside her.....

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