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Thank you so much dear friends who read voted and Commented ❤️😘

Note: Adithya will be exposed in Upcoming few shots..So it will take AbhiGya's life into a roller coaster ride..Enjoy the Process of Story...

Let's get into the story...

"Happy Birthday Pragya!" Adithya Wished Pragya...

Pragya surprised to see Adithya there..She invites him inside...Abhi fumes seeing him inside but He stayed Silent Only for Pragya...

Adithya handovers the Big teddy bear to Pragya as the Birthday gift ... Pragya felt so Happy seeing the teddy...

"Come ...Sit Adi" Bulbul said...Adi sits opposite to Abhi....

Pragya sits besides Abhi...Adithya fumes seeing them together...Abhi smirks and Surrounds his Arms around Pragya....Adi fumes seeing this but he composed himself ....

Later Pragya Brings the Cake for Adi and he takes a Piece and about to feed to her..Abhi fumes seeing this...

"Who the hell he is to feed my girl" He thinks...

Pragya felt Uncomfortable..

"I don't have a single percent Gap in My stomach Adi ..Its for you..You have" Pragya kindly refuses it Adi don't have any options so he  eats the Cake....

Later after Sometimes he Went From there....

In Night...

Abhi is standing in his Balcony deeply lost in his thoughts....He is getting an Negative Feel He don't know what is it....But his heart is keep remaining him stay calm and handle everything...

That's when Someone Hugs him from back..He doesn't need a second to Guess who is it....His Girl PRAGYA....

He holds her Hand which is Hugging him Tightly.....

"Lost in Thoughts" She Asked him Facing him....


"What Hmm?? You know How happy I'm?? Its all because of you Abhi..." She said and She Hugs him Tightly...Abhi smiles and Hugs her back....

She brokes the Hug...She saw his sad face...

"Look Rockstar I'm here to spend a time with you but you Busy in Romancing your thoughts!" She said to him....He looks at her...

"Fine then!! Ill go now!" She said and About to move...But he holds her hand and Pulls her towards him Locking his Hands in her waist.. She smiles at him....He bends down and nuzzled her Pinky Nose.... She blushed....

"Why are you sad Abhoo" She asked him unable to see him said....He Pulls her even more Closer His breath touches Her lips..She looks at his eyes...

"Don't know Fuggi but something isn't right... I'm getting negative thoughts...What Will happen if we seperate" before he could Complete she Leans up and Takes His Lips for a Kiss...

The Kiss Become so Wild...His Hand starts to trace her waist under her tee and Her Fingers roaming in his Hair....She bites his Lips in impatient....

"Ouch!" He looks at his lips  whether it's bleeding or not...She Winks at him....She Pecks his Lips ..

"Why are Saying like that Abhi"

"Don't know Fuggi getting unwanted thoughts...(He paused for a second) ( He pulls her closer to him) You won't leave me na" He Asked her looking at her eyes....

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