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Let's get into the Story...

Pragya finally applied medicine on Abhi's wound... Rather than him Pragya feels more pain whenever she touched his wound....

Pragya wipes her tears without Abhi notice but she is wrong that Abhi already noticed her tears for him... He feels pain to see her tears... He thought to end all this drama soon...

He starts to go from there when Pragya holds Abhi's wrist to stop him from going...

Abhi stops and turn towards Pragya ....He can able to see how much she is hiding all her feelings and she is badly struggle with it...

Pragya takes her hand back..

"You want something to tell??" asks Abhi not looking at Pragya...

Pragya felt bad that Abhi is not even looking at her for once...

"Woh Abhi (she looks down) why?? Why you are not talking with me Abhi?? You know how much I felt bad" asks Pragya wiping her tears...

"Why it matters to you Pragya!!!" asks Abhi...

"No Abhi you know how much I felt bad when you talk with everyone but not with me?? ( she weeps) you'll talk with everyone.. But not with me??? Why Abhi" asks Pragya still crying...

"What you except me to do Pragya!! When u confessed that I'm just a friend to you and moreover You don't feel anything for me na....Thats what Pragya.. I can't able to hide my feelings with you  and act as a friend to you.. That's what I thought to stay away from you" Reasoned Abhi...

Hearing this Pragya felt bad... Tears starts to flow from her eyes...

"Please Pragya don't cry.. I can't see you crying!" telling this Abhi wipes his tears....seeing her tears he too got tears....

"But Abhi"

"Please Pragya it's fair enough that you don't feel for me... And I'm sorry for everything!" telling this Abhi moves out from there...

Pragya kneels down and starts to cry loudly... Yeah she realised his feelings for Abhi... With this distance it  affected her more...

She can't able to stay away from Abhi....She realized her True Love for Abhi....Because of this distance she realised it...

And she felt bad for hurting Abhi like this.. She felt so bad... She just wants to confess her love for him soon....

She went out to look for Abhi but he is nowhere to be found... She felt bad and went to her hostel...

Her friends enquired about her sad face she didn't tell anything.. She went inside her room and she locked...

She called Abhi but it's answered switched off... She throws her phone in anger...

She falls on the bed she starts to cry...

"I'm so stupid to Hurt you Abhi!!! I'm sorry Abhi... You know because of your distance I realized my feelings Abhi... I can't able to live without you Abhi.. It's like hell Abhi...Im such a stupid Abhi" cries Pragya...

Suddenly she gets a call from Abhi....She hurriedly attends the call...

"Hello Abhi.. Abhi" speaks Pragya...

"Excuse me Mam... The person belong to this mobile is met with an accident!"

Pragya felt her world shooks to the core... She starts to cry...

"Abhi.. Abhi... What happen to him?? Abhi" she cries...

"Mam please come to the address I have sent to your Mobile... Please come fast mam!!" saying this the call gets cuts....

Pragta without thinking anything she hurried to the place without even telling her friends...

She reached the place where the address mentioned.. She can't able to see anyone there... It's look so dark without any lights...

"Abhi where are you???Abhi!!!" shouts Pragya...

"Abhi...Abhi please come back to me please... Come back Abhi where are you!"cries Pragya...

Suddenly a Voice heared to Pragya... It's none other than Abhi's voice...

"But you don't need me in your life Pragya... I'm not Important to you Pragya!"

Hearing Abhi's voice Pragya turns here and there looking for Abhi but he is no where to be found...

"Abhi nothing like that Abhi... You're the most important person in my life Abhi.. But I realized very late Abhi... I want you Abhi where are you...please come back.. Please" shouts Pragya....

Getting no response from that side...

"Abhi I love you so much... Please come back to me.. I can't able to think a life without you... I realized my feelings for you Abhi.. I'm sorry for Hurting you Abhi!" cries Pragya..

Suddenly all the Lights starts to on one by one... She saw a beautiful roof top which is beautifully decorated lights and flowers.... That is when she saw her soul, her love... She saw Abhi approaching towards her.... She gets  her life back seeing him fine ...

"I'm sorry Pragya for hurting you these days... I distanced myself from you because I thought to make you realize your love for me Pragya... And  it hurts me alot whenever, Wherever I avoided you but don't have any option Pragya... (Abhi moves towards her closely and he cups her face and wiping her tears in her eyes) .....Im selfish Pragya... I can't even imagine a life without you Pragya... I love you... I love you so much" confess Abhi again his Love for her...

Pragya gets happy... Abhi opens his arms for her... Pragya happily hugged Abhi tightly .....

They both cries together in happiness..

"I love you Abhi.. I love you so much!" confessed Pragya...


To be continued...

What will happen next???

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By Subagokul

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