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Thank you so much dear friends who Read, Voted and Commented...

Really Sorry for taking a Break from WATTPAD guys...Busy with Assignments, Exams, etc also couldn't able concentrate on writing when KumKum Bhagya turned into a Garbage and TiSha is not Shooting these Days..But soon TiSha will be back Guys so chill ☺️

Let's get into the Story

"How could you?? How could you even think of Hurting my Pragya??" Abhi asked Maya Furiously leaving everyone in shock...

"What?? hurting Pragya?? What she did??" Purab asks in shock...

"She tried to dash the Car on Pragya?!" Abhi said furiously in Anger...Maya looks down in fear.... Everyone looks at Maya in shock...

Abhi Holds Maya's arms tightly...

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HURT MY PRAGYA... HOW DARE YOU!!" He asks  furiously shouting at Her....He pushed her Maya stumbled back...

"Open your Mouth Dammit!!! Answer me!!!" Abhi shouts again Seeing her staying silent...Pragya holds Abhi's hand to stop him from shouting....But His one glare is enough for her to take back Her Hand...

"Open Your Mouth!!"

"Because I love you so much Abhi...I always loved you ...But ( She become Furious) this Pragya came between us! She separated you from Me Abhi...After Pragya came into Your Life...You ignored me Abhi....So I tried to Separate you Both!" Before she could Complete Abhi slaps her hard on her Cheeks...

"That not a even a Love With you...I was in Bubble with the thought I Loved you...But After Pragya coming into my life I realised what True Love is..My True Love is Pragya...Not You Maya Rathore!!" He tells Her...Maya Furiously looks down feeling Humiliated....

"I feel ashamed to call you as My Friend!! Never dare to come before my Eyes ..Stay Away from My Pragya!!! Got it!!" Abhi Asked Her furiously...Maya nods in Fear Seeing the way Abhi is shouting...She have never seen in him in this Much Anger....Abhi Holds Pragya's hand as he walks out from there....

Abhi gets into the car...Pragya too Got Inside the car..She sits in  the Passenger seat Beside Abhi...She holds her Heart thinking about what are all Happened in their life ....She still shivering inside thinking about the words Maya uttered and she couldn't even  believe She tried to Hurt her in Many ways...

She looks at Abhi who is Driving the car...She knows he is Upset, Hurt because of Maya...He considered her as His friend..He never thought she will try to hurt his Pragya... Pragya saw He is Holding the Steering wheel so tight ....His anger is Visible in His eyes....And He is Driving the car so fast and it's Rash driving...

She placed Her Hand on Abhi's hand which is Holding the gear...Abhi relaxes Himself feeling Her touch.... But he didn't said anything...

"Baby it's okk don't feel bad!!" She said softly...He glared at her...She looks at Him...

"No!! It's not okk Pragya!! Pls I need peace so stop Talking!!" He said...She takes back Her hand pouting at Him...She knows he is hurt and Feeling sad but why he needs to upset on Her...

"Don't Think that you have not done anything!!" He tells seeing Her Confused  face...

"What I did??" She asked shocked...He stops the car

He takes the deep breath to calm his nerves...He cups Her face by  pulling her close to him....She looks into His Eyes...

She raised Her hand as she wipes His Tears which is falling from His eyes....She too starts to get tears seeing His tears....

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