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Chapter - 17...

Abhi and Pragya is traveling in the bike...

Just then Abhi moblies vibrated.. He stops the bike and he attends the call ...

After talking Few minutes he cutted the call...

Pragya: who is it???..

Abhi: our dress designer for EISHA EVENT...

Pragya: oh... What he said???..

Abhi: he asked us to come now to give measurements...

Pragya: oh ok where is it???..

Abhi: it's little distant from here....

Pragya: it's ok Abhi let's go...

Abhi: ok...

Abhi and Pragya starts from there...... They reached there....

Designer: come in...

Both AbhiGya went inside... First the designer takes the measurements to Abhi...As it is a romantic performance they told their wish how the dress should be...

Now its pragya.. Only there is male designer... He is the one who gonna take measurements for Pragya too...

First the designer keeps the measuring tape on Pragya's shoulder like hugging her... Abhi burns in  anger.... He couldn't see her with someone like this. Even though it's just a measurements he couldn't see that...

Abhi: Stop it?!!

The designer and Pragya looks at Abhi in a questioning look...

Abhi: what you are doing???

Designer: sir I'm taking measurements...

Abhi: like hugging her???...

Designer: sir this is how we'll take the measurements...

Abhi: but I didn't like it..

Pragya: Abhi... Look...

Before she could complete abhi cuts her off..

Abhi: I said I didn't like it...

Pragya smiles seeing his over protective nature...

Abhi: I need a female designer.. Right now...

Designer: but sir..

Abhi: no other arguments... I need it...

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