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Let's get into the story...

In Pragya's hostel....

Pragya enters inside her room to saw her friends are busy chatting about their dance rehearsal which irritates pragya where she thinks about her fight with Abhi...

She went to fresh up and came outside where all are talking in phone with their friends... Pragya came and sit beside them....

Purab, Nikhil, vin and Abhi talking with them... Pragya gets irritated when Abhi talks because she is still angry on him for beating her friend...

Pragya clears her throat to gain their attention...

Pragya: guys come let's have dinner...

Tanu: pragya when you came??.. Come let's talk for sometime...

Abhi too felt irritated to hear her voice because he is so upset on her that she didn't have believe on her...

Pragya: I don't want to talk with anyone... I'm going to eat... If you guys don't want I'll go...

Bulbul: ok guys will call you after our dinner...

They cuts the call...

Alia: what happens pragya??.. Why are you angry???..

Pragya tells everything which happens between Abhi and Adithya....

Tanu: what Adithya???.. He will never do that!!!

Pragya: yes Tanu... He won't do that... He is such a good friend to us.. But Abhi misunderstood everything and beated him...

Bulbul: but what if Abhi said is right???..

Pragya: are you out of your mind???.. Adithya will never do like that!!! And you too know about him...

Bulbul: I know but.. Why Abhi should lie???... What he'll get from lieing in this matter???...

Pragya: I don't know but I won't believe Abhi in this matter... I know about my friend...

Alia: OK guys time give answers to everything... Let's go and eat....

They went to have dinner and came to sleep...

But sleep is far away from pragya... She didn't even get single percent of sleep... Whenever she closes her eyes slapping Abhi scene came before her eyes.... Even though she is angry on Abhi she felt bad for slapping him that too for two times... Moreover they both shouted on each other....

She said she won't dance with him... But whatever happens she should dance with him... She must agree she never felt that comfortable with anyone rather than Abhi...

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