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Thank you so much dear friends who read, voted and commented 😍😍😍

We are in 20th chapter it's all because of you friends 😘😘🎊🎉🎉🎉 I really hope the support remains till the end of the story!!..

Happy Reading!! 😃


Let's get into the story...

By Bulbul, Abhi came to know Pragya went to Adithya's home to get the notes... Anger aroused inside him...

"Oh God what I want to do with this girl!.. How many times I'm warning her about that Adithya she is not at all believing me...Hope she is fine now" said Abhi to himself and he takes the bike and went in the search of Pragya...

He prays to God that Pragya should be fine.. Because he remembers the encounter he had with Adithya few days before.. Abhi warns Adithya To stay away from pragya but being Obsessed One.. He told that he will get Pragya hook and Crook...

While going Abhi saw Pragya going in the street... Anger aroused inside him and he stops the bike before her...

Pragya gets confused...

"Abhi you here?? " asked Pragya..

Abhi parked his bike in sideways and came towards Pragya and holds her arms and pulls her towards him... She is literally shocked by his sudden act..

"Where are you going now? " asked Abhi with the stern face...

Struggling in his arms she tries to release her arms from his grip because it's hurting her...

"Abhi leave me.. It's hurting me!!!" said Pragya still struggling with his grip...

"I asked where you are going now??" asked Abhi releasing her arms...

"I'm going to Adithya's Home to collecting notes" said Pragya...

"Don't you have sense! How many times I'm warning you that he is not good man.. And he is having lust on you.. And he is waiting for the correct time ...then why the hell you are going to him again and again" said Abhi with the hard tone...

"Abhi please! How many times I have told you to stay away from this??! I know about my friend" said Pragya...

"You are such a fool Pragya! Why can't you believe me" asked Abhi...

"Abhi stop! I already warned you to stay away from Adithya..Then why the hell you are not understanding it" asked Pragya.. She almost shouted...

"you Don't know anything about him pragya!...Even few days back he challenged me that he will make you as his...you are blindly believing him Pragya...its not good for you" said Abhi...

"Yes I blindly believe him because I know him from before I know you... Many years I have been with him... Even one minute or second he never behaved wrongly with me... Then how will I believe you Abhi??? I hardly know you for few months" asked Pragya (she almost shouted)..

"Pragya! Oh is it so you believe him more than me??" asked Abhi

"ofcourse I believe him more than you" said Pragya..

Abhi felt bad... It hurts him like anything... He don't know how Pragya will believe him...

"but Pragya you should analyse the situation also.. Why would I lie to you??... I always cared for your goodness... I don't want anyone to hurt you.. Especially that Adithya" said Abhi with the soft tone...

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