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Let's get into the story ....

"Wish you many more Happy Returns of the Fuggi!" He smiled at her... But she remains silent... She takes the Whole cake in her hand and She blows of the candle and she kept on the side table.... she pushed him on the bed and she sits on top of him and starts to beat him...

"Fuggi!! Stop it!! Please.. Aaaaa it's paining.. I'm sorry na baby.. Please!" He pleased her but she is not in the mood to give up  and she continuously beats him...

"I won't forgive you for what you had done to me idiot... I won't forgive u until I get satisfaction of beating you idiot!" Pragya starts to beat Abhi... Abhi tries to hold her hand but he couldn't.. He continuously whispering Sorry to her...

"I'm Sorry baby.. Please forgive me!!" He looks into her eyes.. She stopped beating him... That's when she him slapped hard... He carress his Cheek feeling the pain...

"Uffo baby you can't slap me like this!! Poor me!! It's paining baby!" Abhi said her...

She stood up from Him and she sits on the bed turning to other side...

Abhi sits beside Pragya and he surrounds his Hands around her waist and pulls her close to him... And he kissed her cheek...

"I know you're upset with me!! But let's pause our fight and continue tomorrow but seriously not in your B-Day fuggi!!I don't Want to spoil our Special day" He said holding her hand... She looks at him and she placed her head on his shoulder and she Hugs his arm tightly...

Abhi placed his chin on her head...

"I'm so sorry Baby.. I shouldn't have agreed for this Stupid plan!" He said to her when she looks at him with a Questioning look...

"Actually Maya said this plan baby... She asked me to ignore you and then surprise you on your B-Day.. That's why.. But now I realized it's one of my worst plan in my life.. I hurted you na baby!" He sadly looks at her... She nodded and hugs him tightly...

"You know I felt so bad when you ignored me.. I couldn't take it Abhi... I felt so hurt because of you!" She hugs him so tightly.. He carres her head and placed a Kiss on her forehead...

"Hereafter I won't repeat this baby.. Please forgive your Buddu!" He said to her.. Pragya .....

She cups her face and kisses his Forehead and his Cheeks... And she hugs him tightly...

"I missed you so much Abhi!" She hugs him tightly like he would vanish from her... Abhi feels how much She is Possessive towards him.. She is so delicate... He makes a Mental note that He won't hurt pragya anymore....

After few minutes staying in each other embrace... Both felt Really good...

"Now let's Cut the cake.. Happy B-Day My Fuggi!" He takes the heart shaped chocolate cake from the side table .....

 Happy B-Day My Fuggi!" He takes the heart shaped chocolate cake from the side table

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She smiles at him.. She takes the Knife from his hand.. And suddenly their Friends peeped inside the room singing Happy B-Day song...

Pragya makes an Wish and she blows the candle and she cuts the cake.... And she feeds the first piece to Abhi and he takes the same piece and feeds Her ... He applies cream on her nose... She smiles at him and she too applies Cream on his cheek...

Later she feeds all their friends with cake... Later everyone dispersed into their rooms leaving Abhi and Pragya alone...

"Baby you had your dinner??" He asked...

"You??" She aksed him ignoring his question...

"I'm asking you something baby! Did you have your dinner??" he asked her...

"Even I'm asking you the same!!" She asked him keeping her hands on her hip...

"Oh Actually!" he tries to look everywhere to escape from Pragya's glare... He twisted his lips..

"Fine!! I didn't had my dinner!!" He finally Agreed with the fact... She smiles at him...


"When you are upset with me.. You really think that I can fill my stomach!" He pouts... She pinched his cheeks...

"You didn't had??" He asked her... She nods yes... He glared at her...

"When you can't have your dinner without me.. Then Why you except me to do?? Come I'll heat the food!" Saying this she moves to kitchen... After heating the food.. She moves towards the balcony with a single plate so that they can share...

She settled beside Abhi in the sofa comfortablely and she starts to feed him wereares He feeds her in return... They completed the food and settled in the Sofa....She placed her head on his Chest feeling His heart beat... And he carressing Her Hair... Their night become so peaceful when they slept in each other arms...

Next Morning...

Both Abhi and Pragya got freshup and Their Friends planned for an Evening B-Day Party in their Home itself...

And Pragya got a Call from her Parents and After talking with them they completed the breakfast.. And Abhi decided to take Pragya to the Temple and some more beautiful places which he kept it as surprise......

After getting the blessings From the god... Two lovers on their way to the surprise place where Abhi planned for them...

Within One Hour they reached the place.. It's looks like a Forest range...

"So Much Planning ha?? Are you gonna impress me RockStar??" Pragya asked Him... Abhi smiles inwardly...

"I'm trying hard to impress my Lady.. Let's see you get impress or not!!" Abhi winks at her... He holds her hand and they entiwns the fingers and walks towards the place were Abhi planned..

And their friends busy decorating for the evening Party.... That's when Maya reached their Home... She mentally thought that both Abhi and Pragya will be Angry with each other hoping that her plan worked out... But she is shocked to see the Beautiful decorations in the home.....

Purab saw Maya coming inside the home with frustrated face.. Purab gets to know why she is reacting like this...

"Maya if you think that you'll separate Abhi from Pragya na you're sadly mistaken...You can't separate them! Because of you they are getting close day by day" Purab Mentally thought about it...

"Hello Maya!! What a Pleasant surprise!!" Purab asked her...

"Woh actually Purab today is Pragya's B-Day na so came here to Wish the way where is she?? Maya asked...

"Woh actually Pragya went out!" Purab said...

Maya smiles brightly.. She thought she can spend some time with Abhi...

"Ohhh.. So I'll spend time with Abhi!" She about to move...

"Actually Maya...Abhi took Pragya to Date!! They will come back only In evening before the party!" Purab said her.. She fumes hearing this...

"Ohhh!" She said...

"Yes why don't you help us Maya making Pragya's B-Day so special??" Asked Purab hiding his smile...

Maya fumes and she nods her head....

To be continued...

Soon Maya's Love will Revel to Abhi and Pragya... Stay tuned for the New twist...

And what happen to Adithya???

Target 🎯 95+ votes...

By Subagokul 💕

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