❤Chapter - 3❤

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Let's get into the story......

After abhigya fight they went to their respective house with their friends.....

In night 🌃.....

In abhi's house 🏡.....

Abhi and his friends sitting in hall and chatting about today's happening....

Vin: you know abhi I'm so happy today....

Abhi: why??....

Vin: I'm sorry yaar.... But I must say there is one girl who hates you in this world.... (with showing his teeth)....

Abhi gets anger....

Abhi: vin don't take her name.... I don't want to see her.....

Vin: but abhi she is in our college we'll meet her daily.....

Abhi promised himself that he'll stay away from pragya.....

Purab: abhi we want to say something with you.....(he hestiates).....

Abhi: don't hesitate purab.... Just speak up....

Purab: Woh about Maya....

Abhi: what about Maya....

Purab: abhi you are not in love with Maya..... You both just mistook your friendship towards her....

Abhi: what rubbish purab...

Nikhil: yes abhi purab is right.... You both are not in love....

Abhi looks confused.... He started thinking.....

Vin: try to think about it abhi..... It is necessary to stop the day dreams......

Abhi: but....

Purab: we know about you abhi.... Just think of it.... You'll understand what we are telling.....

Vin: one more thing we don't want to give false hope to Maya....

Abhi: I have to think guys.... I'm sure about my feelings which I have on Maya.....

Saying this abhi went inside.....

Other nods their heads negatively seeing abhi's childishness..... They prays God to show the right person for him.....

Days passed..... A week passed.... In these week there are many encounters happened between abhigya.... There fight and hate for each other increases day to day.....

One day..... In college stadium..... There is a tough match going between abhi's team and Adithya's team.....

Pragya: tanu where are you dragging me.... And where is bulbul and Alia....

Tanu: we are going to stadium to watch football match between abhi's team and Adithya's team.....

Pragya: what Adithya's match.... Come come let's go....

Both headed towards the stadium.....

Tanu and pragya went where Alia and bulbul sitting and watching the match......

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