💕❤Chapter - 6❤💕

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Thank you so much dear friends who voted, read and commented.....

🍰🍰Happy birthday to my jaan sritu (sritijaha).... May God bless you with lots of joy and happiness in your life..... This chapter I'm dedicating for her.....

Silent readers do vote if you need fast updates.....


Yesterday I'm so happy to receive your comments and votes guys.... Within one day votes turned 50+...so I'm updating this today......

Enjoy reading..... 😍


Pragya runs fast to meet abhi.... She remembered each words she has spitted venomously by acussing abhi without knowing the reason.....

Pragya in a verge to cry.... She doesn't know how abhi will feel that time when she accused him....

While going to meet abhi.... Adithya came there and blocked pragya's way....
Already pragya in so much tension....

Adithya: pragya did you see.... I have won.... I defeated abhi.... It's all because of you pragya.... You are my lucky charm.... .

Pragya: Adithya I'm not in the mood to talk with u right now.... Please I want to go now....

Adithya: I want to tell something pragya..... Did you see abhi's face while performing.... Dam its worth to watch face.... (said mocking at abhi)...

Pragya: Adithya stop... I know you have won... And congrats for your victory .... But if abhi banged his performance na... I'm dam sure he'll be the Winner.... So don't mock at him...

Saying this pragya went to see abhi.... Adithya is shocked by pragya's reply.....


In music room....

Abhi sitting at the furthest corner.... With his bleeding hands.... His face explains how he has broken...... Abhi started thinking about pragya's accusing, his performance, Adithya's winning moment.... He can't control his emotions.... He can still hear the pragya's accusing.... He is in peak of anger.....

Pragya came there and shocked to see abhi in that situation..... Abhi saw pragya standing there and he starts to move from there..... Pragya holds abhi's hand... Abhi pushes her hands.... Pragya again holds his hand and saw the bleeding hands.... Her heart feels the pain....

Abhi pushed her hand forcely...

Abhi: what you want now???.... Yeah I see... You came here to see how I'm suffering right... (he shouts)....

Pragya: please abhi... Listen to me.... I'm so sorry for yesterday's happening.... I'm sorry.... I didn't think straight that time and I came and acussed you unnecessarily..... I'm sorry... Please forgive me.... I'm sorry please... Because of me you lost in competition.... It's all because of me.... I thought you have taken advantage of my situation.... But I'm too wrong..... I must not said those words to you.... Please forgive me.... (she cries)....

Abhi felt little happy for pragya's words.... His heart felt warm.... But somewhere else his heart bleeds to see her crying.....

Abhi: it's OK.... Please don't accuse anyone without knowing anything.... It's hurts them alot....

Pragya still cries....

Abhi can't able to see her like this....

Abhi: don't cry pragya it's OK.... You asked sorry right... I forgiven you... Please don't cry....

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