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Let's get Into the Story...

Both Abhi and Pragya descended down from the Home holding each other's hand...Maya Fumes Seeing them so happy...She Vows that she will seperate Abhi and Pragya in this Trip as she determined that she will go to any further to separate them...

Today nobody can Save Pragya from Hers..She smiles evily looking at Pragya...

It's Two cars...In first car it's Tanu - Nikhil, Alia - Vin..

"Maya why don't you Come in Alia's Car!" Bulbul says as she don't like Maya coming inbetween AbhiGya...

Without saying anything She moves to AbhiGya's Car and she sits beside Pragya who is sitting beside Abhi...Purab Chuckles Seeing that...Bulbul Glared at her...

"I Just Hate Her! If she tries to do something Dirty..I'm not Gonna spare her!!" Bulbul says as she glared at Maya...Purab side Hugs Her...

"Don't worry We all are with them na...She can't do anything!!" Purab consoles her...Bulbul Nods..They seated behind AbhiGya and Maya....

The Journey started...They Planned to visit the Well-known Park for the Picnic...Pragya is sitting between Abhi and Maya...She felt so uncomfortable with Maya's strong gaze on Her....She turns as she Gestures Maya asking what raising Her eyebrow...Maya nods No as she looks away...Pragya smirks....

She takes Abhi's hand as she placed it around her Shoulder...Abhi smiles at her as He pulls her close to Him...She snuggles close to His Chest....It will take Two Hours Travel...Maya is Pissed Seeing the way Purab and Bulbul Teasing Abhi and Pragya...

"No it will Be Maasi & Mausa!" Bulbul tells Cheekily...

"What!! No it's Chachi and Chacha!!" Purab argues with Her... Pragya looks away hearing it ..They are Discussing about AbhiGya's Baby...

"Just Stop it Guys!! We not even married yet" Abhi stops them....

"And My Baby is too shy you see!!" Abhi tells Pinching Pragya's Cheeks...She blushed like anything...She beats his Hand...

"Oh ooooh" Bulbul Teased...

"Shut Up Bulz" Pragya says hiding her Smile....Her Mind Filled with their Babies...How it will be if she become Mother of Abhi's Kids...She couldn't help she brushed those thoughts aside....It have More time for that she thought....She takes a Headphones as she plays Her the Fav list of songs...

Being Inside Her Love's Arms along with the Long Car Journey and outside scenery is filled with Beautiful Green Bushy Plants, Trees and by listening to Her Favourite Music is Pure Bliss...

Abhi looks at Pragya...She looks at Him..She smiles at Him...She takes Her Headphones from her One ears as she gives to Abhi...He too take those and he placed it in his One Ear...

He curiously looks at Her hearing the song "Zara Zara" ....She blushed looking at Him... Abhi Grins....

He holds Her as they entwined the Fingers....He slowly Started to carress Her Hands...She felt goosebumps in his single touch..She know she have a Huge effect in his touch...She takes her hand away from his Hold...He grins looking at Her as he holds Her hand again....

Maya Fumes Seeing all this...She wished she should've gone in another car rather than Watching AbhiGya's Romance....She looks away seeing Abhi pecks Pragya's Temple....

"Be Happy As much as you want.. Because today is the last day you gonna be with my Abhi...After that I'll completely gonna Earse your Memories in Abhi's life" Maya determined with Her Plan...

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