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Let's get into the Story...

Pragya weeps Heavily and She sadly looks at the way Abhi went...It Breaks her heart into pieces....She couldn't able to forgive herself for not Trusting Abhi and Her Belief over Adithya than Abhi...

Each Minute kills her thinks how Abhi would've felt when she labelled His Love as Fake Drama when he Truly loves her....She doesn't know Whether Abhi will able to forgive her or not...yeah what she did is Wrong but she cant afford Abhi...She can't able to think a Life without him...She Wished she should've Heard to Her heart than Her Mind....

She looks at her Friends who also Looking sad...Even she should've listened to them....

"What will Abhi think about me!! How he would've felt when I hurted him so much....Many times I trusted Adithya over My Abhi...Its Totally I'm gonna get back My Abhi!" She pulls Her hair and she  falling on the floor crying hardly...

She wipes her tears and she runs from There...

"Hope Everything comes back to Normal..I couldn't see them like this!" Bulbul tells sadly...

"Yes you're right..But don't know what will Abhi do...He  also Broken when Pragya trusted Adithya over him!" Tanu tells...

"Don't worry Guys they love Each other so much.. They will Solve Their misunderstandings soon .. Oreslse why we are here..Let's make them together!" Alia tells Them...

"Ohh Yaa you're right! But let's give them their space..They will themselves solve everything!" Nikhil said.. Everyone agrees....

In Abhi's Home....

Abhi sadly staring at the Night sky...He wipes his Tears Which is threatening to fall from his Eyes...He Never thought this Day will come to their Life...

He is so Much hurt... Surely it will take some time to heal....He is so Much angry and Upset with Pragya....He never thought she will Label his Love has Fake Drama...Yeah he know Adithya emotionally breaked her but even though she should've believed Him... Always she trusted Adithya over Him that's what hurted him More than anything...

He closed his eyes in Pain....He felt Someone hugs him from back...He know it's Pragya....He Tries to Push her but she is Hugging him so Tightly....

"Leave me !!!" Abhi tells her...

But she is too stubborn...

"Abhi Please... don't separate me from you..I can't bear it... I'm so sorry for everything.... Please Forgive me Abhi!!" She cries Hugging Him...But even though it hurts him Seeing Her cry but he let her cry.. Because he Needs time for everything....

He Slowly Breaks the hug and she looks at him but he Turns his face to other side....She felt hurt...

She comes before him and She cups his Face..But he didn't reacted...He not even looked her face..It Hurts her More...

"Please Abhi ... I'm so Sorry for everything...I'm a Fool to believe him Abhi..I should've trusted you and Our Love..But I never did... it's my Mistake Abhi...Please give me a second chance... please!" She cries Hugging him...He can able to feel she is shivering in the hug for loosing Him....

He again brokes the Hug...She looks at Him...

"Its Broken Here ( he shows his Heart) it will take time to heal and please don't distrub me!!" He tells Her soft yet Furious tone... saying this he went from there...

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