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Maya Furiously sighs seeing Abhi and Pragya kissing each other...She couldn't digest the fact that Abhi is belongs to Pragya... And she is not a Mahan to let it happen..No matter what she will seperate them...

She wants Abhi..Her Life is so beautiful and Peaceful before ..But After Pragya's arrival she changed everything in her life..She don't know what Abhi has seen in her...He completely forgot about Maya's existence in His life...She Couldn't able to take it.. She wants to erase Pragya in her life...

Days starts to roll soon.. Semester exams are on the dates.. Students Starts to prepare for it...Abhi, Vin, Nikhil and Purab is studying for their final Exams.. Were Pragya, Tanu, Alia and Bulbul for their Second year Final exams...

Still Few days left for the exams...One day in Abhi's Home...

Everyone is busy studying for the exams...Abhi sighs Tiredly looking at his Big Books...He saw His Fuggi is reading with so much interest..

He pulls Himself close to her and sits beside her closely...She didn't even mind His Close Presence...She is so much into Her studies...He sighs Irritatingly....He pulls the book out from her...

"What??" She Asked Him...

"It's Boring na Fuggi...Let's do something Useful!!" Abhi says as He starts to carress Her Cheek...She looks at Him..He winks at Her....

"Seriously Abhi? You're in your Final want to study hard..But Sir wants to Romance huh??" She rolls his eyes...

"Haa Jaan I have already prepared everything na.. So why I want to study again!!" He tells coming close to her...She couldn't help but blushes seeing Him.. Because she knows He studied well enough..she  makes sure he learns for His Exams..

She about to push him but He holds her hand as He pulls Her close to him... He starts to trace Her lips which is tempting Him...she holds his collar as she pulls him close to Her...He made her lay on the bed and come on top of Her...He Placed a soft kiss on her forehead she closed her eyes feeling his soft kiss...

Then he traced down placing soft kisses on her eyes for which he fallen for...Then Her chubby cheeks...She giggles feeling His Beard tickles her soft skin...she opens Her eyes looks at His eyes....He about to place His lips on Hers...She Closed His lips with her palm...She feels He is Kissing Her palm....She leans up as she kissed Her own palm... Both looking at each other eyes for a mean Time...He takes her palm as Having enough of Her teasing...He placed his lips on her lips for a Kiss... Both starts to kiss hungrily.....She pulls him close to her..Her fingers starts to trace his hair...

"Love you!" Abhi Whispers once they breaks the kiss....She kissed his chin...

"Love you too!" She whipers back...She smiles at Him happily...He smiles back...

Maya Opens the Room door without any knock...she is shocked to see Abhi is laying on top of Pragya as both Romancing each other...

"Abhii!!" Maya shouts...

Both Abhi and Pragya looks at Her..They sits on the bed...Abhi ruffles his Hair in frustration...

"What the hell are doing here Maya??" Abhi asks in Irritation...

"Abhi I came here to clear some doubts with you!!" Maya tells Him...

"Don't you know..A basic curtasy that you should knock the door before coming Inside??" Abhi asks in Irritation.. Because he is Irritated that she interupted His Private moment With Pragya...

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