💗😍💗Chapter - 10💗😍💗

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Let's get into the story.....

In Morning...

In Bus...

The bus reached its destination.... The teachers asked everyone to get down and reach the hotel which they have booked room for everyone.....

Inside the bus...

Bulbul and purab saw abhigya sleeping peacefully by hugging each other... They smiles...

Purab: what shall we do now??.. Shall we wake them??...

Bulbul: it's so blissful site to see them like this... Let's them be like this for some more time....

Purab: you are right... I wish they'll end up together soon....

Bulbul nods her head happily...

They too went from there....

Later after some time.... Pragya striffed from her beautiful sleep... She shocked to see she is hugging abhi tightly and sleeping...

A smile formed in her face....

Pragya (herself)... Why I felt so happy to see him close to me???.... Why my heart beats faster???... Is I have any feelings for him???....did I fallen for him??? ....but he loves Maya right???... But he didn't say anything to me about his love for Maya???.....

Pragya about to get up... Abhi pulls even more closer .....pragya don't know what to do.... She stayed in her place and waiting for abhi to get up.....

Just then abhi got from his sleep.... Abhi felt embarrassed by his actions....

Abhi: Woh I'm sorry... Actually I didn't mean to....

Pragya: it's OK abhi... Let's go....

They about to get up... Pragya's chain strucked between abhi's shirt....

Pragya comes closer to abhi and starts to take her chain.... Abhi feels pragya's breath near him....

He lost in those beautiful eyes.... Pragya feels his gaze on her... She too looks at him and drowned in his eyes....

Abhi keeps her hair behind her ears which is disturbing his view.... Later they came back to sense.... They part...

Abhi: I think everyone went to their rooms.... Come let's go...

Pragya: yup come...

They headed towards the big hotel ....

They got their room keys in reception... They headed towards their room....

Their both rooms are opposites to each other...

They went inside the room....

Inside abhi's room.....

Abhi: damn what I'm doing... I'm getting close to her.... I didn't felt this much comfortness with anyone... Is I have feelings for her???.... I'm damn sure I'm not in love with Maya....

He starts to think about the moments which he spent with pragya....

He felt happy....

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