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Let's get Into The Story...

"I love you Abhi! I love you so Much!" tells Pragya cuddling close to Abhi in the Sofa in the Rooftop...

Abhi pecked her forehead and surrounded his arms around her shoulder and Pulls her closely to him...

"Love you Too Baby!" tells Abhi... They Both looks into each other eyes...

"Baby Still I can't believe that we both confessed our Love!" tells Abhi hugs her tightly which Clearly explaining his happiness for their togetherness...

"You are so mean Abhi.. You Avoided me na.. You know how much I Got hurt because of your Ignorance!" pouts Pragya...

"What I can do baby you are so stubborn...Thats why I think about this Plan. And Thankfully it worked too!" Abhi winks at her ...

We're Pragya Beats on his chest...

"Never Do that Again Abhi.. I can't able to bear your Ignorance!" tells Pragya Sincerely...

"Never Ever Baby.. I thought To Make you realize your Feelings for me.. That's why.. Even I can't able to Ignore you baby... You know How it's Hurting for me!?" tells Abhi carressing her hair...

"So when you Find out that I have fallen for you?" asked Pragya out of curiosity...she is rolling his shirt buttons...

Abhi entiwned their Fingers...

"When you got Jealous for me.. When you can able to feel my pain as yours... When you can't able to Bear my Ignorance!" Tells Abhi looking into Pragya's eyes....

"I can't even believe the collage Romeo loves me!" tells Pragya chuckling Hugging Abhi...

"Yes This Romeo Loves his Juliet!" tells Abhi...

"Now Listen don't even try to make me jealous... Don't roam around with other girls!" tells Pragya In possessiveness...

"When I have My Girl why should I roam with others!" winks Abhi at Pragya...

Pragya blushed at him...

"Baby.. Woh actually!" he about to start

"I know Abhi what you gonna tell... It's about Adithya na... I trust you Abhi.. I'll be careful with him!" tells Pragya smiling at Abhi...

"I can't able to bear if something bad Happens to you... I can't live without you!" tells Abhi sincerely...

"When My Hero is with me then Why to worry!" tells Pragya...

"I will be always there for you!" tells Abhi...

They Both Looks into each other eyes... Abhi carress her cheek softly... Pragya blushed... Abhi leans down and about to take her lips that is when Pragya pushed him I'm slightly...

"There are More time for this Rockstar!" Tells Pragya unable to Control her raising Heart beat...

Abhi kissed her Forehead... Pragya closed her Eyes in Pleasure.. She felt so happy with this Kiss... That is when Abhi's Mobile Rings with the Caller ID showing Bulbul...

"Wait Wait?? Why Bulbul is calling you??" asked Pragya...

"Uffo Pragya everyone knows about My Plan?" tells Abhi..

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