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Let's get into the story...

In Abhi's home ....

After having his encounter with Pragya.. He is so much heart broken.. She didn't have trust on him.. She didn't listen to him... She believed that Stupid bastrad Adithya over him... And what hurting him more is she told him that he is just her friend... And he can see the same love for him in her eyes.. But she is denying it.. It hurts him alot... He is done with this... He can't handle it more... He is in hurt and Anger with Pragya....

He is pouring all his anger, pain, frustration, hurt in the boxing bag fighting with it...

Whenever he closes his eyes only he can see is his pragya

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Whenever he closes his eyes only he can see is his pragya... But is so much angry that She is not believing him... When he comes to his possessive one he won't stay back... He will attain what he want... But now he should be away from Pragya for some days... He won't talk with her... He must make her Feel his love for her and also she wants to realise her feelings for him until that he gonna stay away from her... He knows it will hurt both of them....But he is so much hurted because of her so he needs time from everything...


In Pragya's Home...

She is lying on the bed and thinking about the today's happenings... She is really sad that whatever happens between Her and Abhi.. But she doesn't know onething why she is believing Adithya over Abhi.. Why?? Is it because he is her friend before she becomes friend to Abhi???... And Moreover she thinks about her confrontation with Abhi that he is just her friend... Her Mind accepted it but Her heart keeps on thinking about it....And she is sad that she shouts on Abhi...

She is rolling on the bed.. She is not getting any sleep.. Daily she used to talk with Abhi but today is different.. She feels bad for not talking with Abhi...

She takes her mobile and she thought to call Abhi ...But she keeps the phone aside that how she'll talk to him when she shouted on him....

With Abhi's thoughts she drifted to sleep...


Next Morning...

College started... Semester exams are nearing so teacher are completing the portions soon for students to revise....

In Abhi's class...

Abhi's friends came to know about Abhi and Pragya ... They felt so bad for Abhi... But they consoled him that everything will be alright soon...

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