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          Vatsala wraped herself with a shawl and she was taking a small walk near the banks of the river.

" from the day when I born we never stayed away from each other. Atleast we used to meet once in a day ..... or else not a drop of  water could be digested by us.... but now we are away from 5 days over Arya I am terribly missing you ..... " Vatsala said to herself and closed her eyes.

" but I am not shashi "

Vatsala opened her eyes to find Abhimanyu smiling .

" how many times I have to tell you shashi..... until you chase me out of your heart I will not go anywhere " He hugged her.

Vatsala just smiled looking at him.

Abhimanyu kissed her forehead.

" do you remember we always used to sing these lines " Abhimanyu said and started.

( meaning : - we shall write the new commentary of love which the history have never seen ......

we shall walk in a way which leads every lovers towards their aims....)

" always together " Vatsala said and opened her eyes. Abhimanyu was not there.

She smacked her head and smiled.

" these memories kills me " Vatsala said for herself.

Krishna along with Satyaki , Balaram and Revati arrived there.

( you are a lantern of sky dear... you bring such a happiness when I see you ...... but I cannot describe the pain when you vanish from my sight )

Revati broke into tears as she saw Vatsala near the river.

All had tears as they were listening to her singing.

Krishna signalled Satyaki to call her.

Satyaki moved towards her.

" amma " Satyaki called her.

Vatsala wiped her tears.

" Satyaki.... how are you?? " Vatsala asked him with a joyful tune.

" I never thought that one day I would see you like this " Satyaki's voice broke.

" If things happen which we never expected or thought of then only it is called as life.... if everything happen as we wish then it cannot be called as life na.... " Vatsala said.

" your parents have come " Satyaki wiped his tears and said.

Vatsala turned towards them.

" maa , pitashree " she exclaimed and ran towards them.

She hugged Balraam and Revati together.

" Finally you both are back..... I was longing to meet you both " Vatsala said.

" I am sorry Vatsu.... I was not present with you in your sorrowful times .... I am a bad father " Balraam started weeping like a kid.

" pitashree... please don't say like that if this is my fate then what you can do.... now stop crying " Vatsala wiped his tears and hugged him.

" how can you be like this Vatsu?? Abhimanyu , your love is no more .... won't it aches your heart " Revati asked her with tears.

" maa who said he is dead..... not at all" Vatsala placed her hand on her chest.

" his heart is still beating...... Abhimanyu is alive .... but I am dead " Vatsala smiled.

Balraam pulled her into a tight hug.

" no not at all.... nothing will happen to you putri..... I am not ready for another lose " Balaram said.

Vatsala sighed and smiled.

" why are you living here Vatsu " Revati asked.

Vatsala took them to her hut which was not even one-fourth of her room in Dwaraka.

" I cannot see that sorrows maa that's why I am living here " She said and offered water to them.

" It was my duty to protect her mangal sutra kanha...... I failed to do so " Balaram told to Krishna.

Krishna just gave a pale smile.

" Vatsu... we have to leave now because I have to inform Pandavas to set another camp from for further discussions " Krishna said.

" dau and Revati bhabhi you leave for Dwaraka now because only children are looking after it from many days " Krishna said and Balraam nodded.

All others left from there.


" Bheem...... idiot can't you hit my head and killed me with a fraction second instead of keeping me alive like this...... what if any one see me like this....... what if they laugh at me ....... oh no .... hey Anthaka take my life before anyone see me alive in this state " Duryodhan said for himself.

" Duryodhan " Ashwattama ran to him.

" stop there " Duryodhan roared.

" why have you came now...... to he see my death na........ Just for making Karna as Commander you just left the war and moved away for what have you came now...... you too decived me ...... My Karna fought to fulfill my word  till his last breath and died..... but you just call yourself as my friend but left me in middle you forgot my help tooo ...... just get out from here you cheap Brahman " Duryodhan said.

" Mitr..... please don't insult me ..... I never decived you..... I was angry because you made Sutaputra Karna as Commander ..... Kripacharya ... kritavarma were there na .... actually Karna decived you..... even he had a clean chance to capture Yudhistira but he just moved away..... he supported Pandavas....... he decived you " Ashwattama said.

" another word against my Karna.....I don't know what I will do to you..... just to justify yourself don't blame my Karna " Duryodhan huffed.

" ok I will kill all the Pandavas right know and prove my valour and dedication to you " Ashwattama took leave from him.

Ashwattama sat infront of Shivling.

" hey Mahadev...... please give such a power that no one can stop me today " Ashwattama prayed Mahadev.

Looks like Mahadev granted his wish. Ashwattama headed towards Pandavas camp with tremendous energy.

Pandavas camp.

Krishna has already taken Uttara , Subhadra and Satyaki with him to the new camp which is away from Kurukshetra.

He also advised Pandavas and Draupadi to join him soon.

" you go Draupadi I will take care here" Shikandi assured her.

" I am also here only na go behen " Dhristyadyumna said.

Draupadi smiled at them and looked at her sleeping kids and left with Pandavas.

Shikandi and Dhristyadyumna sat chatting with each other.

Ashwattama saw an owl which entered a crow's nest and killed that crow's family.

Ashwattama smirked and headed towards Pandavas camp in Kurukshetra along with Kripacharya and Kritavarma.

How was the chapter friends........ hope it was good

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now