The past

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"thanu where are you " called Sutsom.

" ha bhrata I am here" she said sadly sitting on a bench in the garden.

"oh why my thanu is soo sad today I will give one ladoo from my share smile dear"

" bhrata mata Subhadra and bhrata abhimanyu not visited us since 3 months I miss them badly"

" but thanu" prathivindya came from other side of the garden.

" you know that bhrata Pradyumana started teaching warfare to him is it fair to miss the classes at starting itself ?? and mata subhadra how she leave him alone right" prathivindya said .

" but we can go to dwaraka.." suthanu said. Just then Shrutkarma came running to them.

" jyest bhrata there is a letter from Dwaraka " 

Kamyaka vana

"maurvi where is mata " Ghatothkach asked his wife.

" mata and barbareek are playing outside " she replied with a giggle.

" mata too became a child with his mischiefs " Ghatothkach smiled and continued " ok listen maurvi I am feeling lot of stress these days I will go out for sometime inform mata if she ask about my whereabouts " with this he vanished all of a sudden.


" well done abhi it was amazing " said Subahu with sound of proudness.

" thanks bhrata but my guru is not saying anything " said abhimanyu looking at Pradyumana.

" well abhi you learnt it so soon " said Pradyumana.

Subhadra who was watching her son's practice of archery from the beginning of that day was deeply moved by the words by Pradyumana and appearece of Abhimanyu which was exactly resembled  the prowess of arjun. Unable to control her tears she left that place hurriedly. Abhimanyu saw that and turned towards Pradyumana who gave a pale smile.

"abhimanyu today we will go to that isolated temple in the forest and practice there " Bhanu changed the topic.

" please bhrathaasri take me also " pleaded vatsala.

" vatsala you stay here itself it is not safe there you will be frightened " Subahu tried pacify her.

But she pleaded again , brothers were confused because they cannot say no to her but they all love her a lot and not willing to take any chances.

" bhrata let her come " abhimanyu said.

" no abhi " Bhanu said.

" Bhrata I will take care of shashi need not worry bhrata I will be there....I mean we all will be there " abhimanyu said.

" yes bhrathaasri I will stay with him and I promise I will not go anywhere without his permission "

Pradyumana broke his silence " ok vatsala go get ready "

Vatsala ran with exitement and all others moved from there to get ready.

Abhimanyu : mata we are going to forest temple we will back soon.

Subhadra : hmm

Abhimanyu : mata are you alright??

Subhadra:  yes abhi go now come soon.

Abhimanyu nodded and left the chamber sadly.

He found Vatsala waiting for him with her hands crossed.

" my bodyguard is late " vatsala said with a small pout.

Abhimanyu walked up to her slowly and suddenly pulled her hair and ran away saying " I am really unfortunate  that I am a guard of a monkey " Vatsala chased abhimanyu.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now