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     In the hall Balraam, Krishna ,Revati and Astabharya were present they all jumped with shock as they heard Subhadra's voice.

"Subhadra " Balraam about to tell something but Subhadra stopped him.

"for the sake of your reputation and for your student you forgot your own sister and your promise to her " Subhadra was in tears.

"Subhadra I was helpless and also Vatsala will happy there as the daughter-in-law of Hastinapur " Balraam tried to justify his decision.

" You agreed ..."Subhadra was interrupted by Revati.

"how can you be soo jealous Subha "

"Me!!! bhabhi what are you saying I am just trying to say about Abhimanyu and Vatsala wedding"

" That only I am saying you wish to marry my daughter to a prince with no kingdom "

" Bhabhi Abhimanyu is prince of Indraprasta "

" Indraprasta is no longer yours and I don't think that Dhuryodhan will return the kingdom to pandavas so from this marriage My daughter will be the future queen of Hastinapur. "

" bhabhi please my brothers will return and take their kingdom back " Subhadra replied harshly with anger.

"how dare you to speak like this you are just a wife of a person living in the forest afterall being a poor women speaking like this with a queen " All the others were stunned with this reply of Revati they never expected this.

"MAHRANI REVATI" they turn towards the direction from which the voice came and found Abhimanyu there.

" another word against my mother I will not resist myself "Abhimanyu yelled as he stood beside Subhadra.

Listening to this Upapandavas along with Suthanu and Vatsala rushed towards the hall.

"look at him Arya how much arrogant he is if we marry our daughter to him just as his uncles he will also loose her in a stake like pandavas lost their kingdom " Revati said to Balraam who had strongly dissaproving Yudhistira for this from the beginning.

"let me clear you maharaani the kingdom was not lost it was taken away from cheating " Abhimanyu said.

" I am sorry bha...Maharaani I am not willing to stay in a place where there is no respect for my family you have  showed my place thank you " Subhadra folded her hands.

She turned back to leave and found Krishna with tears nodding his head in negatively.

"sorry bhrathaasri if I hurted you I thought it is my home my bhrathaasri's home and came here but it was my mistake that I forgat that this is the kingdom of Maharaaj balraam " Subhadra was weeping hardly.

"sorry bhrathaasri if I hurted you I thought it is my home my bhrathaasri's home and came here but it was my mistake that I forgat that this is the kingdom of Maharaaj balraam " Subhadra was weeping hardly

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Krishna hugged her and Abhimanyu stood looking at Vatsala with tears she stood as a rock.

Balraam was also in tears but did not utterd a word.

Astabharyas stood with tears streaming from their eyes.

Subhadra and Abhimanyu left the hall and Vatsala hugged Krishna and started crying her heart out.

Balraam came near Krishna and started "kanha" But Krishna stopped him.

"dau whatever happened now was not right "Saying this Krishna left the hall with Vatsala follwed by Astabharyas and Upapandavas.

Krishna went to the charioteer of Abhimanyu and whispered something in his ears for which he said " as you wish sir"

Subhadra and Abhimanyu left Dwaraka.

"no rajkumar here my mother was insulted here there is no place for us too" Suthanu said to Bhanu with tears. Bhanu did not stop her as he knew she was right. Likewise Upapandavas along with Suthanu left for Panchal.

Abhimanyu was consoling Subhadra as their Chariot moved towards Kamyaka forest.

How was the chapter friends. Hope it was good.

What happens next??

Will Lakshman kumar marries Vatsala???

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now