The Elopement of Vatsala

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        Vatsala was about to drink the poison just then a peacock feather fell into that cup.

  She moved her gaze away from the cup and found Krishna with tears.

" you are my dear putri so we will do one thing first you give that to me I will drink the half of it and if you wish you can continue " Krishna said and grabed the cup and took it near to his mouth.

Vatsala sprang towards him and grabed the cup and threw it away. She hugged Krishna.

" true love can never be seperated Vatsu "

" but how can we united pitashree "

" I cannot say that but belive me there will be an answer to every question. "

Vatsala looked at his face Krishna smiled.

" promise me Vatsu that now or in future days you will never disapprove my words " asked krishna thinking about upcoming events.

Vatsala wiped her tears and " of course pitashree I promise you that  in my lifetime I will never disobey your single word also " she promised him.

" I sorry Vatsala but I needed this " Krishna thought.

" now think positively and hope for good " Krishna kissed her forehead and left the chamber.

Kamyaka forest

" these things happend bhrathaasri " Abhimanyu explained the whole thing to Ghatothkach.

" how mean " Maurvi exclaimed.

" I love her bhrathaasri I love her a lot" Abhimanyu eyes turned moist and Ghatothkach hugged him.

" please don't cry I can't bear this " Ghatothkach wiped his tears and asked " does she loves you?"

" of course bhratashri " Abhimanyu said.

Subhadra and Hidimbaa entered the room where Abhimanyu was taking rest.

" putr what to do know " Hidimbaa asked Ghatothkach.

" I will go and see the situation and do next thing according to it mata if situation says to bring her here I will "

"Ghatothkach what are you saying " Subhadra asked with a shock.

" yes mate my brother's happiness will be with him at any cost and I will do anything for it now I am leaving " saying this Ghatothkach vanished.


Vatsala was sitting on the bed her hairs were dancing with the wind.
Moonlight added some more fairness to her face.

Ghatothkach sneeked into the royal palace of Dwaraka. He was clearly checking the rooms of the palace.

He peeped into the first room to find a maiden but unfortunately he found a the couples it was the chamber of Pradyumana and Mayavati.

Ghatothkach moved to next one but stood amazed. There he saw a man with blue skin and a peacock feather clinging in his crown and the main thing was the fans were fanning him for themselves.  To check that he came near him but remembering the actual reason of his arrival he turned to leave.

" Ghatothkach " Krishna called without opening his eyes.

Ghatothkach felt as if air got stuck in his throat.

" h..h. who are you please tell me " Ghatothkach asked unable to find any other way out.

" I am Vasudev Krishn " Krishna answerd and opened his eyes.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now