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It has been 15 days after Uttara gave birth to the baby.

3 days before itself the naming ceremony of the baby was held , Indeed it was a grand one.

The prince of Hastinapura ,named as Parikshit.

Hidimba too visited Hastinapur to meet little prince.

All pandava patnis are also participated in ceremony.

The family of Dwaraka was present as usual as no functions could complete without Dwaraka family.

Another great news is Suthanu and Bhanu's wedding date also decided and now family is preparing for it.

Invitations are sent to every kingdoms. Haldi also finished , only wedding is remaining which will be held tomorrow.

Sowparnika was massaging Uttara's back.

" slowly " Uttara said.

" Still paining ?? " Vatsala asked as she entered the room.

" Ha jiji , don't when It will reduce " Uttara got up.

" don't worry .... This pain will last for few days only " Vatsala said and moved up to the cradle.

" oyy my little prince is not sleepy " Vatsala giggled and took the kid carefully.

" what were you doing dear ?? " she kissed the cheek of the baby for which he giggled.

Little Parikshit was trying to catch the nose of Vatsala where as she was avoiding.

" it is my nose pari .... Not a toy " Vatsala said with mock anger.

But he caught her nose and squeezed it.

" ouchhh " Vatsala pouted.

" see your son Uttara .... Turning so naughty from now only " She complained her.

" I won't come between you both jiji .... Do whatever you want with this cute naughty kid " Uttara cupped her son's face and kissed him.

" here take him .... I want to meet bhabhi " She gave the kid to Uttara but baby didn't wanted Vatsala to leave , he caught her finger soon.

" I will return soon baby.... Trouble your mother for sometime " Vatsala smiled and left.


" see this Rajkumari .... It's suits you well " said Kalavati , The Chief attendant of Suthanu.

" hmm " Suthanu just hummed.

Vatsala entered the room , as she found Suthanu is not as usual she silently dispersed all the maids.

" See this Rajkumari ... You will like it for sure " Vatsala showed a necklace to her.

" bhabhi ..... You " Suthanu suddenly stood up and gave chair to her.

" bhabhi sit down " Vatsala made her to sit back.

" Bhabhi ... You are pregnant .... You can't keep standing like this " Suthanu about to stand up again.

" I am pregnant .... But not weak bhabhi " Vatsala giggled again.

" what happened to you ??? It's your wedding you should be excited " Vatsala said.

" I would have blushed for your question if it was asked an year before " Suthanu's smile vanished.

" Bhabhi ..... Adjustment is the only thing which can somehow enable us to move on with the life " Vatsala said.

" I miss them bhabhi " Suthanu's eyes turned moist.

" you don't know .... Arya also finished your wedding plannings and preparations long ago ..... Even I too feel sad for his absence ..... But we can't just keep on mourning for them.... We have to move on " Vatsala said.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now