The Frustration

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" sure .... Also we should reduce our expenses ..... We should concentrate on livelihood instead of reconstruction at present " Yudhistira concluded. Others agreed.

" Arjun .... Take a look around the country frequently " Yudhistira said.

" Sure bhrata " Arjuna smiled.

" Vatsu ... You don't roam here and there from now understand ?" Yudhistira glared at her.

" mamashree ... I will come to see pari once in a day ..... Please agree to this" Vatsala pleaded.

" No need ... Now pari can be taken out from palace .... " Subhadra smacked her head making Vatsala to pout.

" Vatsu come we shall look after kitchen for a while " Bheem said and took her with him.


Arjuna dropped Vatsala to her  home and moved on to take rounds in city.

She entered and locked the door and sat near the kitchen.

Her baby confirmed that it's mother is free and both of then could converse now .

It gave one strong kick , making Vatsala to groan in pain.

" uff I know you are here what is the need of remembering it again and again " She tapped her baby bump smoothly , but baby seems like angered by her words and frequently kicked her.

Vatsala giggled as she remembered her previous pregnency.

Abhimanyu always used to converse with priyaa.

Vatsala laughed alone remembering his nonsense talks with unborn baby

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Vatsala laughed alone remembering his nonsense talks with unborn baby.

She looked at herself in mirror and remembered a poetic night of them.


A pleasant full moon night.
Abhimanyu Vatsala's married life has just completed a month.

Vatsala in pink saree which is favourite of Abhimanyu.

Moonlight is the only source of light in their room.

Abhimanyu spending his Romantic moments with his dear wife.

He just pressed a soft kiss on her lips , Vatsala pushed him away slightly and sat up correcting her dress.

" oyy shashi what happened ?? " Abhimanyu nuzzled her neck as he was not ready to leave her.

" leave me " Vatsala said softly moving a little away from him.

Abhimanyu gave a frustrated look to her.

" Shashi what happened to you all of a sudden ?" Frustration was clearly visible  in his voice.

" Arya .... tell me a story " Vatsala smiled.

" what ?" Abhimanyu's voice now mixed with disappointment and anger along with love.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now