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" are you people gone mad .... you know a brahmastra can be destroyed only with brahmadanda... if another brahmastra collide with it .... then it is  the threat for whole universe..... " Ved Vyas said.

" Arjun , Ashwattama take it back " Ved Vyas said.

Arjun took it back.

" Ashwattama take it back " Ved Vyas said a bit strictly.

" he doesn't know about it " Arjun said.

Ashwattama laughed.

" yes I don't know how to take it back.... but I know about it's consequences very well .... It will cause severe environmental damage ... and wherever this weapon lands that land will be barren forever.... people of that place will too became barren as they will remain childless for ever..... that's why I will not drop it on earth" Ashwattama said .

All others felt a bit relived.

" instead I will re - direct it towards a land where the last blood lineage of Pandavas is growing and I will turn it barren " Ashwattama smriked.

All others gasped.

Bramhastra came to Ashwattama's hands.

" no ... no Ashwattama.... please no " Yudhistira pleaded.

" hey Bramhastra.... I Ashwattama..... commanding you to enter Abhimanyu  Patni Uttara's womb and destroy the foetus which is the last blood lineage of Pandavas " Ashwattama yelled and threw it to the sky.

Bramhastra headed towards Uttara's womb.

Vatsala who was on her way back to the temple saw an object in the sky moving with tremendous enegry and light. It was Brahmastra.

She somehow managed to see the shape of the object.

" Bramhastra " She gave a confused look.

It moved away from her and headed towards Pandavas camp.

Vatsala ingnored it as she didn't knew about it's final destination.

" jiji please talk something.... atleast cry na " Subhadra shaked Draupadi.

Both of them were shocked to see the deadly object which was rushing towards them.

Uttara removed her blanket and woke up to have some water.

She saw brahmastra which was coming towards her .

She was moving here and there to get rid of it.

Before anyone could react Brahmastra entered her womb.

Uttara yelled in high pitch because of pain.

Vatsala turned back as she felt like some one yelling.

She started walking towards that direction.

Bheem just banged Ashwattama continuously.

He detached the gem from Ashwattama's forehead with bare hands and nails.

" wretched Ashwattama..... you have committed such a great sin ..... that till today no one have committed...... Ravan.... Kumbhakarn , Hiranyakashipu...... Duryodhan were far better than you....." Krishna said in a deadly voice.

Kripacharya rushed to rescue his nephew but looking at furious Krishna she frozed there.

" you have no fear for death right Ashwattama..... I will snatch that death from you...... I curse you to be immortal.... " Krishna yelled.

" you each and every part of your body will burn , blood and pus will be dripping from the injury on your forehead for ever.... each and every minute you will experience the hell on earth.... no one will come near you..... till the end of time you will keep on roaming in corners of the world by begging for death but you will keep on breathing forever.... you will live in ignorance... you will live in dark ..... this is my curse to you " Krishna yelled.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now