The tragic wedding

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" Lakshmana shall we move ? " Aparna called her.

" yes jiji " Lakshmana came out with the baby.

" be careful dear take care " Jambavati hugged her.

" bhrata Samba take care of her " Shanti said.

" jiji comeback soon we can't stay away from our little prince " Veena kissed the cheeks of the baby.

Aniruddha along with Aparna already standing outside to leave.

" don't act like a monkey Ani don't trouble your mataa Aparna " Pradyumana smacked Aniruddha.

" Ani take care of yourself also tell our greetings to Mamashree Krishna and give this box to your bua " Prabhavati handed a bit large box to Aniruddha.

Samba and Lakshmana took blessings from everyone and set out for there journey to Hastinapur.

After her wedding she is visiting Hastinapur with husband for first time . Lakshmanaa remembered Her wedding.


" mitr my daughter will choose her life partner by herself I won't force her " Duryodhan said when Karna asked him about Lakshmana's wedding.

" but I am worried about Lakshman " Karna said.

" indeed bhrata karna I am feeling the same is it good to arange Lakshmanaa's wedding now ??? " Bhanumati said sadly.

" Bhanu I am indeed worried of him , his wedding is spoiled even he declared he will never marry again..... but atleast let us built a good future to our daughter........ because of that Vasudev my son has became very moody ... I won't allow that wizard to enter my daughter's life " Duryodhan said.

" will he feel happy by this.... won't he feel bad " Bhanumati said.

" Bhabhi Lakshman will think practically don't worry " Karna said.

" And mitr we have to send for all crown princes of all kingdoms along with Anga " Duryodhan smiled.

Karna hugged him " as you wish mitr" He smiled.

All preparations were finished and the day pf swayamvar too arrived.

Lakshmanaa was indeed happy not a bit of nervousness was visible in her. She is herself getting ready for swyamvar before others.

Bhanumati and Padmavati were happy to see Lakshmanaa like that. Vrushali too arrived there.


" shashi where is bhrata Samba do you know " Abhimanyu asked Vatsala who was struggling to sleep.

" he has went for some important work " She said casually.

" important???" Abhimanyu asked again.

" Arya before leaving he said only this much ... now please help me to sleep I am struggling here " Vatsala said as she keep on changing positions to sleep comfortably with her baby bump.


Swayamvar of the only daughter of Kauravas started. Dhrithrastra , Gandhari, Bhishma and Vidur took their seats and so other princes who has took part.

Vrishasen stood and the end and Samba too seated amongst the princes.

" bhrata see there Krishnaputra Samba has came " Dushassan whispered to Duryodhan.

" what !!! " Duryodhan exclaimed and stepped forward to kick him out but Karna stopped him.

" mitr let him be if we react harshly now may it leads to some more problems Stay calm nothing will happen our putri know what to do and what not do " Karna dragged him back.

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