I am lost here

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" Nisatha..... calm down please " Pradyumana pulls him into a hug .

" Pradyumana I don't want her to live in ignorance.... we are still alive .... this Dwaraka belongs to her..... can't we look after her Pradyumana?? ..... I will bring her here .... she will live with us as our pyaari Vatsu forever " Nisatha said.

" Nisatha.... don't forget she is not only Dwaraka's princess and our sister ..... she is wife of Veera Abhimanyu... daughter- in - law of Gandeevdaari Arjun ..... will she agree to come with us only as our sister ..... we ourself made her a Swabhimani - a self respected one..... now will she leave her husband's house after his death and stay with us??? .... never " Pradyumana pacified him.

" even if she come also won't every one say that ' as soon as husband died she settled in brother's home without any shame ' leave others what if our wives tell this to her " Pradyumana said to him in a practical view.

" Pradyumana how can our wives do that ?? " Nisatha said.

" who have seen her and lived with her will never ever taunt her .... but keep in mind still many of our brothers are unmarried who knows the next bahu of house will also treat her the same?? " Pradyumana said.

" and Nisatha can she atleast stay here happily.???... every corner of Dwaraka is filled with Abhimanyu here.... each every wall every pillow is having his memories..... if she come here she will alive but not happy " Pradyumana said making Nisatha to sit on his bed.

" tatshree aur jyest mataa is worried about you ..... think of Shubha she is also worried na " Pradyumana said.

" even Vatsu too doesn't like see you like this " Pradyumana said.

" come let's go out " Nisatha wiped his face and stood up.

" Shanti .... Shanti " Aparna was searching for Shanti.

" vah bhabhi ..... you are chanting Shanti mantra " Vijaya giggled.

" oho .... nothing I am searching your wife Shanti where is she?? " Aparna twisted his ears.

" ouch!!!! bhabhi she might be sleeping " Vijaya said and rubbed his ears.

" are you sure ?? " She asked again.

" double sure Bhabhi what else she knows other than sleeping " Vijaya said making Aparna to laugh.

Aparna came across Samba's room.

She heard baby crying loudly and continuously.

" Samba are you there?? " Aparna called him but she didn't get any response.

She peeped inside the room and found Lakshman lost in her thoughts and standing near the window.

" Lakshmana what is this baby crying can't you see him " Aparna entered the room and went near the cradle.

" Arrey arrey.... what happened to our little prince " She picked up the child and started cradling it.

Lakshmana still didn't pay any attention to her surroundings she was gazing outside without even blinking her eyes.

Aparna went near her and placed her hand on Lakshmana's shoulder.

She jerked because of unexpected touch and turned towards Aparna. As soon as looking at the crying kid she took him and went near the bed to feed him.

" Lakshmana what's all this..... it is a small kid of 3 days .... you have pay some attention on him " Aparna said as she helped her to hold the kid properly.

" jiji that .... that " Lakshmana stammered.

" I can understand Lakshmana..... I can see your pain but why should this sinless one should suffer ? leave it Charumati and Arya has reached Kurukshetra they will surely talk with mamashree and ask him to return soon " Aparna said and caressed her head.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now