Maya Shashireakha

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Abhimanyu and Subhadra both were astonished to see 2 Vatsalas infront of them. One was standing with a complete confusion and with wide opened eyes , another one standing with a mace on her shoulder and had a bright smile on her face.

 One was standing with a complete confusion and with wide opened eyes , another one standing with a mace on her shoulder and had a bright smile on her face

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  ( imagine Vatsala here )

It was Ghatothkach who has transformed himself as Vatsala. 

" It was Vasudev's words I understood now don't worry Abhimanyu and Vatsala your wedding will get all your family members blessings. Mata Subhadra your brother Balraam will wholeheartedly give the hand of Vatsala to Abhi in marriage now bless me " Saying this Ghatothkach left for Dwaraka.

He reached Krishna in the form of Maya Shashireakha. Krishna appreciated him.

"well done Ghatothkach you got my point now do as I say just go and sleep in Vatsala's chamber as Vatsala and morning as soon as you get up send all  dasis out close the door don't open until I enter the scene ok " Krishna said.

" as you wish " said maya shashireakha. She turned and moved 2 steps forward. Krishna again called her.

"oho you are not Ghatothkach now walk like a girl man" Krishna said with a giggle.

" h..hee hhe er " Maya Shashireakha moved to Vatsala's chamber and created the bed slept there.

Kamyaka forest

Subhadra was sitting beside a window as she was unable to sleep. Whenever she felt like this Krishna and Balraam both were there with her and rocked her to sleep but today she was alone. At this moment she terribly missed Arjun. She remembered one incident.

Arjun was as usually sat between his weapons and cleaning.

Subhadra woke up from the bed and huffed.

Arjun turned to her " what happened bhadra still awake ??"

" I am feeling sleepy Arya but this naughty little one's play time starts now " replied Subhadra as she pated her baby bump softly.

"come here I will make you to sleep" Arjuna made Subhadra to sleep on his chest and he cuddled her from one hand and placed other hand on her stomach.

" listen my dear your mother is feeling very sleepy so don't play now tomorrow morning I will also join you both then we all can play together now I will sing a song you also sleep along with your mata" saying this arjun started to sing in his most charming voice.

Subhadra remembered this and clutched a pendent which rested near her heart " please sing for me " she muttered herself.

"mata " Abhimanyu entered the room.

"abhi you are still awake why didn't you sleep " Subhadra asked.

"I wanted to ask same question for you mata " saying this Abhimanyu wiped her tears away and placed Subhadra's head on his laps.

" mata do you remember the song you used to sing when I was small "

Subhadra smiled. It was the same song which arjun used to sing. She also used to sing the same song for Abhimanyu.

" today I will sing that song for you close your eyes " saying this Abhimanyu started to sing , his voice some how matched Arjun.

( the meaning of first 2-3 lines

''blow smoothly o wind let my mother listen to my lullaby ''
it one of the beautiful song listen to it is if you wish.)

Abhimanyu sang this song wholeheartedly as Subhadra drifted to sleep. She slept like a small child on Abhimanyu's lap.
Abhimanyu smiled and placed Subhadra's head slowly on the pillow and found that Subhadra had clutched his angavastram.

So he sat down near her feets and placed his head on her feets. Slowly Abhimanyu drifted sleep looking at his 2 dearest persons  who slept peacefully after many days.

Morning at Dwaraka

All dasis inside Vatsala's chamber stood still in fear and confusion.

Maya Shashireakha slept on the bed with legs on her pillow and her position was just like a sprinter who starts running. The main thing was her mouth was open and she was snoring very loudly.

" go and wake her up " one of the dasi instructed the other.

" why me if you want you go " she replied with shivering.

But she pushed her forward.

" Rr...ra..jkuma..ri " she called in a shaky voice. Next time she shaked Maya Shashireakha.

" cha.. who is that " Ghatothkach shouted forgetting that he is maya shashireakha.

The maid jumped with fear and fell down. Ghatothkach realised and " oh that I have cried a lot know so there is a bit change in my voice " Ghatothkach imitated Vatsala. Then remembering to Krishna's words she sent all the maids out and pretended as crying and closed the door.

All the royal members rushed there and tried to open the door but vain. Everyone was tensed as they thought that Vatsala is crying inside. But actually inside Ghatothkach was practicing to act and walk like a girl infront of a mirror along with eating an apple.

Krishna came and went near the door.
" Vatsu open the door dear" . Hearing to Krishna's voice he opened the door.

Krishna went inside and closed the door.

" well good Ghatothkach you did it well next you should agree to the marriage with Lakshman kumar. Let the Kuru family arrive here. From now you should not cry you should show happiness and shy as a girl " Krishna said.

" what Vasudev shy?? me!!!!" Ghatothkach said it in a shock before he could complete Krishna closed his mouth as he spoke in his original voice.

" oho don't forget you are a girl now or else you will ruin everything and don't call me Vasudev now call me pitashree man " Krishna sighed.

" sorry h..m Pitashree " Ghatothkach corrected .

" walk once " Krishna asked. Ghatothkach walked as a girl , Krishna had a hard time as he suppressed laughing.

Ghatothkach turned back dramatically and asked " is it ok .hm. pitashree "

Krishna nodded. After sometime they both came outside and Maya Shashireakha acted as Krishna said.

All the Elders were happy but Pradyumana and his wives and Bhanu was a bit sad as they knew about Abhi and Vatsala's love.

Krishna stood with a smile but Rukmini was glaring at Krishna sensing that Krishna suddenly wore a innocent face and walked away with Bhanu in a hurry.

The letter of Dhuryodhan arrived informing about their arrival.
Balraam and Revati went for the preparations for welcoming them.

How was the chapter friends........Hope it was good.

What happens next????

Will Ghatothkach gets caught???

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Thank you friends



Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now