Silence kills

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" Jyest .... I have trust on you ...... inherit The throne of Hastinapur let Dharma inherit in the heart of Aryavart " Krishna said and placed the crown on Yudhistira's head.

" Hail to Samrat Yudhistira " Citizens showed their respect to their King.

All elders showred their love in the form of flowers on him.

Yudhistira removed his sandals and bowed to the throne with joined hands.

Yudhistira sat in that throne along with Draupadi. Krishna smiled in content.

Arjun was named as Senapati of mighty Hastinapur.

In front of Everyone, Bheem took charge of Kamyaka forest as a regent for Meghavarnan.

Nakul took charge of Northern Madra desh as a king , and Sahadev took charge of Southern Madra desh.

Finally , with new resolutions everything ended with a new beginning.

Suthanu was tickling Meghavarnan.

" bua bua .... please stop " He laughed.

Vatsala and Mourvi smiled at them.

" Sorry Uttara we couldn't attend your wedding... but We will surely come for your son's naming ceremony " Mourvi side hugged Uttara.

Uttara just gave a pale smile.

Maurvi looked at Vatsala who was also looking at Uttara with a blank expression.

Vatsala signalled Sowparnika to take away Uttara.

" Rajkumari.... you need rest " Sowparnika took away Uttara.

Suthanu and Meghavarna came laughing.

" very bad bhabhi you didn't tell me about your pregnancy not fair " Suthanu pouted.

Mourvi pulled Vatsala's ear.

" jiji ..... ouch it's paining " Vatsala cried.

" didn't even informed me too " Mourvi released her ear.

But soon the trio broke into laughter.

The family of Dwaraka , got ready to leave .

" Thank you for everything Vasudev " Yudhistira hugged him.

Krishna just smiled and hugged him back.

Arjuna and Krishna too shared a hug , Arjuna became bit emotional too.

" Uttara everything happens well be strong " Krishna caressed her head.

Deeptiman and Aparna too took blessings from everyone along with Samba and Lakshmana.

Ushneek was still not ready to leave Bheem.

Krishna turned to Vatsala, he knew she had masked a smile on her face.

" use the knowledge which you recived from Dadaji ..... peace of mind is the only thing which can help you .... but don't try Jalastamban in pregnancy " Krishna giggled.

" I am not that much idiotic fellow " Vatsala pouted.

" pitashree take care of yourself and everyone " Vatsala said.

" and you too .... if you find any changes in your health quickly consult Shyama bhatta soon and .... shall I send Vaijayanti ? " Krishna asked.

" no pitashree she is newly married girl na let her stay with her husband I will take care of myself " Vatsala assured him.

Krishna and his family left Hastinapur.


A month rolled like a minute.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now