The Evening ❤

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   It has been three months since their marriage and It was a beautiful morning.

Only Suthanu is staying in Dwaraka the rest have returned to their kingdoms.

Abhimanyu woke up first. He opened his eyes and caressed Vatsala's shoulder who was sleeping still.

" wake up shashi "

" why arya sun is waking up know I will sleep for some more time please"
Vatsala murmured in sleep and embraced him.

" get upppppp now" he shaked her.

"oh god " Vatsala woke up , " what happened arya what beautiful sleep you ruined it "

" you are looking beautiful " he said as he nuzzled her cheek for which she giggled.

" thank you now let me sleep " she slept again.

" today I am not going to spare you shashi !!!!! today we will take bath together " saying this he pulled of the blanket she tried to run away but he caught her by her waist from back and lifted her up and carried her towards bathroom.

" noo noo please arya leave I will complain for bua please leave me hhaa " Vatsala said.

" you will complain for mata ok what will you say !!! tell me .... so let us decide it together " said Abhimanyu.

Their life was really a happiest one.

As Pradyumana and Bhanu were busy so their students got some free time.

So Abhimanyu decided to spend some time with scriptures. Vatsala was listening to him. At the end,

" ok shashi today is full moon day we will meet in the garden at night " said Abhimanyu and kissed his dear wife's forehead and left for practice.

Vatsala went to meet Rukhmavati and to see Aniruddh.


All retired to their chambers after dinner. As decide Abhi and Vatsala went to the garden.

They both sat on a swing looking at the beautiful moon.

" am I ignoring you " Abhi asked.
Vatsala was literally confused by this.

" why you think so " Vatsala asked.

" I think I have indulged myself deep into my preparations for the war against those who insulted my jyest mata even sometimes I feel I am ignoring you and mata do you feel bad for that "

" please stop this arya don't think like that .. As bua says it is your dharm to take revange for your jyest mata's insult and I wish to be your courage not a hurdle for your duty "
she placed her hands near his heart

"I always reside here as your heartbeat how can you ignore me arya . My position is here arya " She kissed his chest.

" My love I am luckiest one to have you shashi your position can never be taken by anything in this whole universe  "

" me too tell me something arya "

" I will tell only 2 to 3  lines "

" hmm ok "

" I am rocking you to sleep inside my heart as heart beat

if you sleep then heartbeat pauses and then I will give up my breathing shashi "

Vatsala closed his mouth by her hands and said with tears " never say like  that  arya "

" you would have done this with lips rather than hand " Abhimanyu said mischievously as looked away.

Vatsala giggled and did as Abhimanyu said. After sometime they heard some footsteps suddenly they both hid behind a bush as they came here secretly and if they get caught now they become a best topic for teasing tomorrow and especially Subhahu the most teasing one in their family he will reveal it even to elders. So all new couples feared about him.

They both leaned to see who was it.

Bhanu came there slowly and keenly observing the surrounding after confirming no one here he sighed and sat on the swing. He seemed like waiting for someone.

" shashi he is waiting for someone right " he asked in a low voice.

" yes may be someone will come " Vatsala said.

Now this time Suthanu enterd the garden same as Bhanu. Abhimanyu and Vatsala were amazed and looking at them with their jaws open.

Suthanu sat beside Bhanu on the swing. Abhimanyu was looking at them.

" we shall listen to them arya come back " Vatsala pulled him back.

" wait I want see them "

Bhanu and Suthanu embraced each other.

" shashi soon we have to arrange for another wedding, come on now we will give them a surprise " they were about to come out but found Bhanu and Suthanu hiding know because now came Pradyumana and Prabhavati.

" today there is going to be a massive explosion " Abhimanyu and Vatsala giggled.

But after sometime even Pradyumana and Prabhavati ran to hide because the here came Subhahu. He came walking like a comedian and with angavastram not on his shoulders but on his head.

" these days I am not able to sleep che che " he sat on the swing with on leg on the swing and other on the ground he sat in the position as if he has lost everything.

All the couples were praying the god to save them by making Subhahu to sleep. Fortunately he yawned.

"I will sleep here now " Subhahu slept.

Prabhavati was the first to go and followed by Suthanu.  And Bhanu and Pradyumana were in a hurry to move out but bumped to each other Pradyumana narrowed his eyes looking at him and Suthanu.  Bhanu smiled sheepishly and hurried out.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala had a hard time in suppressing their laughter at the plight of Bhanu.

Finally all left the garden safely leaving behind Subhahu alone.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala reached their chamber and locked it.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala laughed their heart out till their stomach ached.

With these small small happiness another month moved on.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala teased Bhanu and Suthanu all the time when they could get.

To add some more happiness for love life Abhimanyu and Vatsala.
Vatsala discovered that lovely thing.

How was the chapter friends.......hope it was good.

what happens next ???

I belive that you are clear with the hint. *winks*

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now