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  It has been 2 days since the war began. Pandavas army suffered loss because Bheeshm stood as a fort infront of Kuru army.

Upapandavas and others have built a hut for Vatsala near the temple in which she is living from past 5 days.

Abhimanyu and all his brothers visited her everyday after the sunset.

Abhimanyu  decided to visit her alone he removed his armour and got ready in a casual way.

" Uttara eat well and sleep ok I am going now I will be back before sun rise " He said to Vatsala.

" Arya take this flower give it to jiji " Uttara smiled.

Abhimanyu came outside.

" Bhrata Abhimanyu stop I am coming wait for me " Niramitra said.

Abhimanyu glared at him.

" Niru come with me I need your help" Shruthakarma dragged him and winked at Abhimanyu. Prathivindya smiled at them.

" putr take this here are some eatables give them to Vatsu " Subhadra handed him a pack.

" for me?? " Abhimanyu pouted.

" go Abhi give it to my Vatsu don't eat it " Subhadra giggled and kissed his forehead.

" this is for me or for your Vatsu " Abhimanyu asked her with a fake anger.

" that's is your choice " Subhadra teased him.

Devika gave him a shawl and Arjun asked to him to tell her to take care of herself.

Abhimanyu came near the hut but Vatsala was not there.

He went near the temple. Vatsala war sitting there.

Abhimanyu was lost in her beauty.

A simple blue saree, no jewels except mangal sutra and a bangle in each hand. Her long hair is tied at the end and the rest are left free. She was lighting the diyas of the temple. In that dim light her eyes were shining. Abhimanyu moved near her.

" Arya " Vatsala smiled at him.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala together lighted all the lamps there.

After that Abhimanyu hugged her from backside by her waist.

" I love you " He whispered in her ears. She kissed his cheek in response.

" Is Uttara fine?? " Vatsala asked.

" can't you come and see by your self ??" Abhimanyu said.

" After the sunset that land will be filled with sorrow which I can't see ... and after sunrise you know the rules ladies are not allowed at the war field how can I come ??? "

" you are right shashi. Until pitamaha bheeshm is alive we cannot win but how can we kill him??? practically only rajkumari shikhandini can help us now but she is not allowed to fight what kind of situation is this " Abhimanyu said.

" don't worry arya pitashree says there will an answer for every question , this one will have a way gor sure ".

Abhimanyu and Vatsala had some quality time there.

The next day's war too did not benefited to Pandavas.

The 6th day's war ended. As per bheeshm's words Karna has not entered war field till now.

That evening

Karna was taking a walk near the river all alone. Krishna came to him.

" Pranipat Vasudev " Karna greeted him.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now