'Father' Means the Sky

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The sun started moving towards west rapidly.

Krishna again looked at Vatsala.

" Vatsu .... Get up now it's too late ... Satya is hungry " Krishna caressed her head.

Vatsala opened her eyes and sighed weakly.

Satyapriya who was away from her mother from the morning started cry.

Krishna smiled at Vatsala.

" Ahhh " Vatsala cried in pain as her chest ached because of heavy breasts which were overflowing.

" Bhabhi .... Rukmini is anyone there ?" Krishna said loudly.

Revati who was pacing around the chamber itself ran inside.

Krishna handed the baby to Revati and walked out.

" Maa " Vatsala cried.

" You haven't nursed her from morning na that's why it is hurting ... don't worry now " Revati made her to sit up and helped her to nurse the baby.

Vatsala leaned back on the pillow and closed her eyes to relax.


" Mamashree did she woke up ?" Uttara asked in hurry.

" Yes " Krishna smiled and picked up Parikshit who forwarded his arms towards him.

" Is she fine ? " Balram asked.

" Ha dau .... Little weak because not ate anything na " Krishna smiled at him.

Parikshit was trying to catch Krishna's nose and Krishna was avoiding it.

" Completely like your father ... It's my nose " Krishna pouted and Parikshit started to bite his nose and squeezed it. Uttara smiled lightly.

" He used do this with jiji today he found a new playmate " Uttara giggled.

" Mamashree shall I take food for bhabhi ?" Suthanu asked.

" Ha take some lite foods Thanu ... " Krishna smiled.

Ushneek too came towards krishna.

" Dada " He tried to climb up to his laps.

Krishna giggled and lifted him up.

Ushneek started playing with Parikshit.

" Jambhavati where is lakshmana ?" Krishna asked.

" There " Jambhavati pointed towards the entrance.

Lakshmanaa sat near the entrance waiting for Samba.

" Early morning he left the house not returned yet " Jambhavati said.

" Arya too " Veena added as she gave flowers and thread to Jambhavati.

" Purujit too joined them now " Jambhavati sighed.

" Why don't you talk to him Arya ... Samba won't be always right scold him and make him to understand " Jambhavati said.

" Let's see when he returns " Krishna said.

" Along with Mamashree and Arya too started to drink wine now " Charumati said.

" Drop it here Charu ... They all have grown up they know what's right and wrong why to keep on draging the topic " Pradyumna concluded.

" Pitashree I have decided to take Vatsu with me this time " Nishata started. All turned towards him.

" she isn't well here I will take Vatsu and princess Uttara with me to Mathura this time .... Dadaji Ugrasen is there Vatsu will have good and peaceful time listening to his stories " Nishata said.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now