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" let's wind up here " Pradyumna said patting Abhimanyu's shoulder.

8 years old Abhimanyu smiled at Pradyumna and then walked towards the Parnashala where his friends group who were waiting for him to return. They were the children of Pura Pramukhas and Amathyas.

Virupaksha a brahmin boy son of the royal Priest stood up.

" Welcome welcome Subhadranandan " He bowed and earned a glare from Abhimanyu the group broke into laughter.

" Wait for me " Dhruva , minister's son ran behind Abhimanyu correcting his hairs.

Abhimanyu smiled at him.

It was Balarama's order to those boys they should never leave Abhimanyu alone so that he could stay away from thinking about seperation from father.

Subhadra who is still not yet recovered from sudden seperation from Abhimanyu didn't appeared anywhere frequently she always occupied a lone place.

Vatsala and her friends were running behind a butterfly after finishing their classes of scriptures.

To their surprise Champa wasn't there to guard Vatsala she was much more happy today.

" Abhi Abhi call her too let's play together today " Shishir said to Abhimanyu pointing towards Vatsala.

" Shashi " He called her loudly and gestured her to join them.

" We missed out Butterfly " Vaijayanti huffed.

" Let it be that's not the only butterfly here " Vatsala replied.

" Why did you call us here prince" Sudevi questioned Abhimanyu.

Vatsala gave a fake cough actually that was the signal fir Sudevi to keep quiet.

" Let's all play together " Shishir said to the girls.

They all thought for a while.

" No cheating like before " Vatsala said looking at Abhimanyu.

He rolled his eyes.

" Ok let's play " Vaijayanti announced after discussing.

" Here I brought the ball too " Dhruv said .

" Na let's play hopscotch " Sudevi said.

" Na na I got marbles let's play marbles " other boy said.

" Ha what everytime ball ball , marble things .... Let's do something else ... Let's play something new " Virupaksha said opposing Dhruva.

Dhruva and other boys suggested some more and more games but Virupaksha didn't agreed with anything.

" Viru this is really too much .... What else remaining then " Abhimanyu huffed.

" Ummm let's play a wedding game " Virupaksha announced.

Others looked at each other.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala stood remembering about Nishata's wedding which took place recently.

Dhruva was frustrated.

" Have you lost your mind?? " He said.

" Wedding isn't that much easy .... We need a groom , bride , purohit , valagas , vadyas , too many sweets , new clothes , jewels, food , money , mangal Sutra .... " Dhruva kept on talking his list seemed to have no end.

" We need these many things for wedding gave from where shall we bring these? " Dhruva huffed.

" We have everything here " Virupaksha replied.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now