Karna vs Arjun - II

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Karna stood as a rock and kept gazing at Arjun with a smile on his face.

Arjun has killed his son but still he was looking at him but in his eyes not bit of anger was visible . The first time ever Karna was standing peacefully in front of Arjun. His face reflected perfect divinity.

Arjun was confused ' what happened to Angraj ??? why is he soo silent that's too on this time, why he is not taking his Vijaya till now??' he thought.

" what happened Angraj...... does your heart is filled with fear looking at my Gandeev ...... come on o sutaputra  let's start " Arjun said to instigate him.

" PAARTH ..... me!!! fear ??? just with the help of Shikandi you defeated Mahamahim Bheeshm do you think your self as mahaveer ? ..... with those illusionary powers of your Madhav you killed Jayadratha... for this you are praising your Gandeev.....  remember your self a few days before your hands were filled with bangles ... 
after all you thought dance in Viraat kingdom by moving your waist like a woman.. from where can this brihnnala get courage to fight infront of this sutaputra ..... shame on you and now take this " Karna replied and took his bow Vijaya and rained arrows over Arjuna.

Arjuna also showed his expert archery skills to Vasusena Karna and also Krishna and Shalya were moving their chariot perfectly.

"Karna what are you doing ??? is this a platform for you to show off your skills to him or Warfield... use some divine weapons if you have rather than these useless arrows " Shalya said to Karna.

Karna smiled again and he fixed an arrow to his Vijaya and aimed at Arjun's chariot's wheel and released it.

If it was a normal chariot,  it would have reduced into pieces along with the charioteer. But it was Devaratha , Lord Hauman himself was there on the flag and Lord of three worlds and excellent charioteer Krishna had the strings of the chariot that much divine chariot itself moved many steps back.

" bravo Karna bravo " Krishna heartfully appreciated Karna but Arjuna was stunned to hear this.

Arjuna and Karna again started to fight with other weapon and again there was perfect chances of a draw.

" Karna are you mad..... can't you see it is a war field it is a place to kill .... invoke some divine weapons " Shalya was urging him.

Karna has already used all his divine weapons once in this war. He can invoke and those weapons also they will not refuse to take Arjun's life but he hesitated to do so. He remembered his words and promise to Kunti that day.

" son don't harm to my 5 sons this is what I seek from you " Kunti asked with tears.

" sorry Rajmatha before you I have promised to mu mitr that I will kill Arjun in the war so I can't grant this to you but I won't harm your other 4 sons " Karna said and turned to leave.

" Karna ... but still you have not satisfied me " Kunti stopped him.

" ask me what you want Rajamatha " Karna said softly.

" promise me that you will  use all your arrows and divine weapons only once in the war " Kunti almost cried at this.

Karna smiled " ok I won't use any of my weapons more than once "

'I cannot use them ' Karna thought and looked at his arrows and took an arrow which looking divine than others from it and aimed at Arjun's neck.

" Karna aim to Arjun's chest not to his neck or else you will fail " Shalya continuously said but Karna smiled.

Yes Shalya's advice was true if we aim at the chest of opponent it will be difficult to his charioteer to save him.

' if I kill Arjun today Yudhistira will not bear this pain for sure , if bheem and Arjun won't be there then Yudhistira will become helpless also If Arjuna dies , Yudhistira will also give up his life unable to be bear the sorrow then It becomes like I will kill 2 sons of Rajmatha Kunti which is against my word to her ... let Arjun be saved ' Karna thought and released it but he didn't knew it was nagastra.

Karna's sensitive heart was thinking about Kunti , he smiled.

That weapon was heading towards Arjuna. Krishna pushed the chariot down with his big toe.

The height of the the chariot was reduced and instead of cutting Arjun's  neck it removed his crown.

A warrior losing his crown could be considered as death in those days.
Karna has removed kiriti's crown itself.  Krishna smiled at Radhey and Karna too smiled. But Shalya enraged.

Even he didn't wanted Karna to win , he adviced him but Karna has cleanly refused it.

" you have insulted me karna " Shalya huffed.

weapon returned to Karna.

" Karna use me again this time I won't fail " It said to him.

" tell are the truth who are you ?? " Karna asked.

" I am Ashwasena , son of Takshak this Arjun killed my mother and my subjects when he burnt Khandava forest I was longing to take my revenge on him so I joined the group of your arrows but Your aim missed again please use me again " he pleaded.

" no I cannot , I won't go against my word ... forgive me if you want you can do anything at your own risk " He replied politely.

Ashwasena rushed towards Arjun. But Arjuna killed him with 3 simple arrows as per Krishna's advice.

Shalya was very angry.

" KARNA ..... I accepted to be your charioteer thinking you as a warrior but you proved that you will always remain as Sutaputra .... you have insulted me and my experience  .. now I won't continue with you as a charioteer bye ...." Shalya said and walked away.

Karna was sad 'he too did not understand me ' he thought.

Karna he himself drove the chariot a few steps forward.

His chariot's wheel wheel got trapped in the mud which was wet buy the blood of soliders.
Karna and Krishna both smiled.

" hey Paartha , you can see my chariot's condition allow me to take it out till then ... you take some rest " Karna kept his Vijaya bow aside and got down from the chariot.

He remembered the curse of mother Earth.

Vatsala was fetching water from the river. She heard someone praying to the god.

" Mahadev .... what situation is this... my two sons are fighting against each other today .... my all sons are equal to me I don't wish to lose any of them " A woman was weeping.

" Rajmatha the duel of Karna and Arjun started " A man informed her she gasped and immediately left the temple.

" pitamahi .... pitamahi " Vatsala called her but she didn't heard.

Another 2 hours were remaining for Sunset.

Vatsala was watering the plants. She suddenly remembered numerous words.

" my 2 sons are fighting against each other today "

" tomorrow one of the great duel of Kurukshetra will take place between 2 great warriors "

" shashi Angraj Karna is also a better warrior "

" I equally love my all sons "

" battle between unknown brothers "

" I was fighting with my own reflection till today "

" Rajmatha Kunti the duel of Karna and Arjun started "

Vatsala dropped the pot as she realised.

" pitashree Karna is Kuntiputra " She gasped.

" Mamashree Arjun is pitashree Karna's reflection they both are brothers oh no " She said to herself as she guessed the further consequence.

How was the chapter friends..... hope it was good

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