The end of Kurusarvabhauma

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" maaa.... I am sorry ..... I have emptied your arms in this old age .... I am unable to serve you .... I am sorry " Duryodhan sighed.

Balraam saw Duryodhan and compared it with his days as King.

Balram just left the place with heavy heart.

Krishna moved towards Duryodhan.

Krishna about call his name.

" Krishna.... shri Krishna " Duryodhan said sarcastically.

Krishna smiled.

" you said you are a god ...... you born for establishing Dharm..... is this is your so called Dharm samsthapan ???" Duryodhan huffed.

" Duryodhan...... see your mistakes once try to realise " Krishna came near him.

" no don't come near me " Duryodhan  said.

Krishna stopped.

" I was almost ready for making peace with you that day ...... but you went to meet Mahamantri Vidur first..... and after meeting all elders at last you came to me ..... tell me with out my order how can you meet members of my court...... and you knew very well this would enrage me ..... and that's what you needed " Duryodhan  said for which Krishna smiled again.

" you wantedly met Vidur first .... because you knew that I will insult him for sure for this..... as the reason he broke his divine bow and stayed away from the war..... and you wanted this because Mahamantri Vidur was master of war strategies and his wisdom also almost matched with you  if he helps me then all your plans for Pandavas Victory will go vain " Duryodhan gave a sarcastic smile.

Krishna smiled again.

Duryodhan about to talk further but blood spilled from is mouth.

Krishna rushed to him.

" you are god na.... why didn't you made me realise long before..... why did you kept quiet like this..... only 5 Pandavas, your bua's children were good and best for you .... we all were idiots and cruel ones na..... even I am having a heart ....  I never heard that god will do partiality....." Duryodhan pushed  him away with a great difficulty.

Krishna's felt a sharp pain in  his heart.

" ha I am an adharmi , evil and cruel but not a fool and idiotic person .... if anyone would have talked with me and made me understand I would have also understood na.... I am the actual heir of Chandravansh .... so I questioned and asked about my rights ..... was it my mistake??? instead of answering all of you just called me arrogant and greedy.... which made me as stubborn " Duryodhan  said.

" I have enjoyed all the luxuries..... loving parents...... understanding wife.... my dearest best friend Karna..... my 100 brothers...... sweet little kids of mine I have already enjoyed each and everything of all stages of my life..... " Duryodhan sighed in content.

" go away Vasudev Krishna.... ask your dear Pandavas to rule this Kingdom which is built on the graveyard..... go and serve this food which is mixed with the blood of all people to Yudhistira....... " Duryodhan said.

He looked at the sky and smiled.

" see there my brothers have assembled to welcome me.... all apsaras , rishis and gandharvas have came there...... Kumara Abhimanyu is complaining about me to his grandfather Indra who is seated on Airavat .... " Duryodhan smiled.

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