Life without you

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" pitashree "  Barbarik's eyes became wet.

Tears streamed out from his orbs but poor him doesn't have hands to wipe them off.

Pandavas specially Bheem rushed towards Ghatotkach.

He was special to them because he was first born of Pandava brothers.

Yudhistira cried bitterly.

Vatsala rushed towards Ghatotkach but just then another detached head rolled towards her.

She observed it and collapsed.

" Anjan ... " She exclaimed and broke into tears.

Anajanaparvan , son of Ghatotkach fought along with his father and attained the brave death along with his father.

Anajanaparvan was also master of illusions just like his father he created numerous weird illusions infront of Ashwatthama and terribly confused him. Ashwatthama quickly invoked Vayavyastra and penetrated through all of his treacherous illusions and destroyed them. But Anajanaparvan's chest was soo hard that weapon itself got destroyed but doesn't hurt him.

Finally Ashwatthama managed to behead him at the end.

" I will always follow you kaka " Anajanaparvan always used to tell this for Abhimanyu.

" You finally followed him in death too " Vatsala sobbed caressing his hairs.

" Kaki let me sleep in your laps " Anajanaparvan's usual words rang in her ears.

She took that detached head and placed it on her laps. Her saree turned red because of the blood dripping from it.

Hidimba and Ahilawati arrived there and rushed towards Ghatotkach.

" The only symbol of our love that too disappeared today " Hidimba cried loudly while Bheem embraced her.

" Anjan " Maurvi rolled her eyes around to find Vatsala with detached head.

" ANJAN ..... " she yelled and rushed towards there.

She grabbed his head and cried.

" Anjan " Barbarik sighed as he was controlling tears.

Vatsala then moved towards Ghatotkach she sat near his feet and hugged them.

" Not fair bhrata you said you will never leave me alone what you did now not fair " She cried.

Karna who was witnessing all this turned towards Krishna who was smiling at Ghatotkach.

" What's this Madhav ? To save your Parth you sacrificed other's children " Karna said pointing at Hidimba and Ahilawati.

Karna walked away.

" Madhav..... " Arjun exclaimed.

" Ha parth ... To save you that Shakti astr has to destroyed and not it's destroyed already " Krishna replied calmly.

For him death of Ghatotkach was literally considered as the Victory of Pandavas.

They didn't had much time to grieve so they soon arranged funeral for Ghatotkach and Anajanaparvan.

After finishing everything Vatsala walked towards her hut.

She sat infront of river as if she has no energy to walk forward.

" Shashi " His voice echoed again.

She turned around and searched.

" Here " Abhimanyu's voice echoed again.

She looked at the river water to find Abhimanyu in the place of her own reflection.

Abhimanyu's hand came out of the water and touched her cheeks. She knew it's an illusions of herself but her heart denied to believe it .

He vanished.

Vatsala broke again.

She finds Abhimanyu cleaning his weapons outside the hut he smiled at her.

But he again disappeared as she neared him.

She rushed inside the hut and closed the door and leaned over it.

" Shashi my shoulders aching massage them na "

" Shashi I am hungry feed me "

" Shashi come to arms soon  " He said sitting on mat.

" Shashi " " shashi " "shashi " His voices filled everywhere Vatsala was feeling difficult to take breath.

" Ahhhh nooooo stopppppp " She yelled closing her ears.

She slided to ground and cried loudly.

Feeling suffocated inside she wet out towards shivling.

She kneeled down infront of him.

" Till today I haven't hurted anyone ..... Did I deserved this punishment ? If you really wanted to separate us then why did you even kept me alive ? Why didn't you killed me soon after my birth ? Did I lived to see this day? " She asked to Shivling.

Slowly Vatsala slept leaning over shivling.

Distressed Karna was broken after frequently hearing ' heart less ' word from everyone . Duryodhan was unconsoleable.

Karna neared the temple to find Vatsala sleeping there.

He widowed attire pricked him more. He was reason of this by the way.

He touched her injured paws in apology.

Vatsala drew back her legs and woke up. She caught her hands before he could touch her legs.

" Angraj .. " she exclaimed.

" I know I don't have right to ask forgiveness I killed your beloved you are angry with me that's why today I became ' Angraj ' from ' ' 'pitashree ' " Karna said.

" But belive me I killed him but not in revenge ..... I am not heartless ..... I am not ..tle..." He cried.

" Pitashree .... What's this like a small kid " Vatsala wiped his face she really felt sad for him too.

" Remember I asked you to do your duty sincerely and you did it do you find and mistake of yours here ? No na then this precious drops are going vain " Vatsala smiled.

Karna placed his head on her laps.

" If Lord wants this to be done whatelse can we do ? Let it be it's ok " Vatsala caressed his hairs.

Karna sniffed.

" Do you forgive me ? " Karna asked.

" Who am I to forgive when what has happened is isn't a mistake " Vatsala sighed.

" May be it's my fate ..... I guess I only had this much time to spend with him " Vatsala looked up at moon.

Karna too sighed.

" Don't think a lot about this pitashree move on ... You still left with lot of things to perform " Vatsala smiled.

Karna smiled and took leave from her.

Vatsala returned to her hut to find a large wodden box with a letter and peacock feather clinging to it.

How was the chapter friends........hope it was good.

What happens next?????

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Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now