Shankara Kalyana

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Vatsala rushed back to her home to find Nishata , Deeptiman and Tampratapta waiting for her.

Aparna was chatting with Uttara but Swarna was sitting without even smiling at her.

" Mava " Satyapriya clinged to Nishata.

" Bhrata how are you ?" Vatsala enquired Tampratapta.

Shankara also smiled at them.

" Hmm we are here to ask something " He replied sarcastically.

" What's that ?" Vatsala asked smiling.

" I have no interest in this ok but what shall I do I love my daughter immensely I can't hurt her so I have decided to agree with her decision " Tampratapta said giving a hesitant look to Shankara.

Vatsala looked at Swarna who turned away from her.

" Bhavani wants to marry Shankara " Deeptiman said clearing all confusions.

Vatsala stood up in a go and Uttara's expressions changed.

" My Shankara ?" Vatsala asked again and again.

Vatsala and Uttara looked at Bhavani who looked down with shy.

" Ha yes I have no interest in marrying her to this vansh heen" Tampratapt said.

" Deepu ask him to hold on his tongue " Nishata said to Deeptiman who gestured Tampratapt to act accordingly.

" Shankara what's your opinion?" Deeptiman asked.

" As my mother's wish " Shankara replied curtly.

" He should come with us and stay in Dwaraka that's all we want " Swarna said.

" Sorry I won't stay away from my mother " Shankara replied before anyone could.

Bhavani kept watching everything sadly.

Finding Vatsala's dilemma Nishata spoke out.

" Vatsu everything is alright agree with this I am there " Nishata assured.

Vatsala just smiled at them.

" Then we shall leave know and fix date for the wedding " Tampratapta said and didn't even wait for the reply.

Swarna too dragged out Bhavani.

" Amma " Shankara held her hands.

" I don't know what to say but I believe you amma please don't send me anywhere I want to be with you " He said to her.

Vatsala stared at him.

" But it's your wedding Shankru wait I shall tell to everyone " Uttara nudged him and went out.

Everything happened in a go Kuru family too celebrated the wedding of Krishna's grand daughter.

The wedding took place in Dwaraka in a mesmerizing way.

Satyapriya who again saw all her cousins with their father finally decided to ask her mother.

Parikshit too became much angry and sad as he received no reply from Abhimanyu.

The weeding took place with great pomp.

After finding Vatsala haven't came even for the dinner Uttara went to meet her.

" Jiji " Uttara sat next to her massaging her feet.

Vatsala smiled at her.

" Got tired right ?" Uttara giggled.

Vatsala smiled closing her eyes.

" Jiji how nice na we just saw our son's marriage I am feeling very much happy our parents must have also felt the same right " Uttara asked.

Vatsala nodded yes.

" I can't estimate our happiness when we see our Pari and Satya's weddings " Uttara was much elated.

" Amma " Satyapriya came inside.

" Where is my father ? You should tell about him now I can't wait to see him " 10 years old Satyapriya demanded like a Queen.

" What happened now I told you he is away for his work " Vatsala replied.

" No I want to see him " Satyapriya said stubbornly.

" Satya leave it " Uttara tried to skip the topic but Satyapriya went on ranting.

A tight slap landed on Satyapriya's shoulder making her to fall down.

" Jiji " Uttara tried to stop her but Vatsala didn't.

Vatsala pulled crying the child towards her by her arm harshly.

" Why do you need him? Have we made any less for you both ? " Vatsala shooked her.

" Listen your father is dead he is no more I am a widow understand? He will never return " Vatsala said and pushed the child back.

Shankara caught Satyapriya.

Uttara rushed towards Parikshit who stood still listening to everything.

Nishata and others too rushed inside.

" Vatsu " Nishata crawled closer towards his crying little princess.

" Bhrata look at her " Vatsala hugged him hiccuping.

Nishata kept caressing her hairs.

That night Parikshit couldn't sleep well.

He crept more closer to Uttara and hugged her.

" Forget it Pari go to sleep " She said rubbing his back.

Parikshit recollected one of his session with Kripacharya.

" Everyone on this earth once meet their end in the form of death " His teaching rang in his ears.

He woke up and cupped Uttara's face.

" Maa " he mumbled.

" What happened?" She questioned.

Parikshit woke up and rushed towards Vatsala.

" Amma " He sat next to her.

Vatsala looked up at him.

He sank into her arms.

"You both should be with me " He said hugging her more.

" Always " Vatsala wanted to reply but nothing came out from her mouth she just pecked his forehead.

Satyapriya too came inside keeping small small steps , she too joined them.

But there outside drunken Samba took out a bold step which literally broke everything.

How was the chapter dear friends Hope it was good.

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So let me tell you this book is heading towards its end.

Thank you

Ganashree 😊 ❤😊❤😊

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now