Abhimanyu ❤weds❤Vatsala

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Lakshman kumar was shifted to his chamber Vrishasen and Lakshmanaa was fanning him but still he was lost in the garden itself.

Shakuni entered the chamber and sat near him.

" what happened to him Lakshmanaa he is acting so weird today pass me that water " Shakuni asked Lakshmanaa.

Shakuni was about to sip water " Vah I want her" Lakshman shouted suddenly for which instead of gulping the water Shakuni put that back and started coughing also Vrishasen landed on the ground for Lakshman' s unexpected kick.

"oh Lakshman you are going to marry her don't give us a shock like this " saying this Lakshmanaa slaped his shoulder and he gained his senses and lifted Vrishasen. But unfortunately all were glaring at him.

Kamyaka forest

All the rakshasa women were busy in the preparations of Abhimanyu and Vatsala's haldi ceremony.

Subhadra and Hidimbaa was excited for this sons of Ghatothkach were teasing Abhimanyu but Vatsala was silent.

One of the women informed Hidimbaa about this.

Subhadra understood that Vatsala is missing her family in her life's important occasion.

Abhimanyu and Vatsala were adored in white attire. They sat next to each other. Vatsala request Subhadra to apply first in her mother's position and it was true she loved here a lot even more than her mother.

Just Vatsala remembered Krishna suddenly a sound of a chariot came and Krishna entered.

He heart fully blessed both of them and also assured Vatsala that all is going to end good.

As per the custom Subhadra gifted Vatsala some jewels and bridal dress from groom's side. Krishna recived them as the father of the bride.

" look the wedding should be grand and perfect understand this is the order from groom' s mother" Subhadra teased Krishna.

" as you wish right know Hidimbaa bhabhi " Krishna said as he joined his hands dramatically.

" yes yes your wish will be considered as an order " Hidimbaa imitated Krishna. All broke into the laughter.

" Vatsu come dear , hear by you will stay with mourvi till your marriage and don't try to meet her before she enters the mandap understood  Abhimanyu " Hdimbaa said.

" why mata " exclaimed Abhimanyu " why I should not see her this is not fair " Abhimanyu pouted.

" it is custom my dear " Krishna pulled his cheeks. " now go to your mother's chamber and stay there " .


Here also Haldi was going on for Maya Shashireakha and Lakshman kumar.

Bhanumati and Dhuryodhan was very happy to see their son.

Whereas here Maya Shashireakha was making faces as she did not liked that turmeric paste. Krishna was glaring at her he signalled her to act like a girl and to show shyness.

Shakuni was observing Krishna but still he was not able come to any conclusion.

Rukmini dragged Krishna to her chamber.

" Rukmini leave me .. what is this infront of children we have night no" Krishna pinched her cheek.

" don't expect that much arya just tell me what's happening here Vatsala is soo happy all of a sudden "

" uff that is Ghatothkach disguised as Vatsu got it she is with Abhimanyu now Rukmini "

" what are you saying the truth" Rukmini overjoyed.

Priya Vatsala : The Unsung love story of Abhimanyu [COMPLETED ✓]Where stories live. Discover now